A father

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I sat at the island, my dad leaning against it facing me

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I sat at the island, my dad leaning against it facing me. It was awkward to say the least. "Should you go wake her" he glances down the hall "she needs her rest" he shrugs "so" I begin awkwardly "am I the only one who knows" he smirks nodding "so we should probably talk about the elephant in the room" "oh we're going to talk about it I thought we would do the usual Halstead thing and bury it" I shrug "clearly that hasn't been working" he sighs sipping his coffee "you went missing Ley" he looked me in the eyes causing me to roll my eyes going to move away. We never talked so I wasn't exactly keen to now. His lightning reflects grab me forcing me to look at him. "Ley stop look at me" I sigh "you went missing Ley just fell off the face of the earth and I damn near went insane" I smile tears building in my eyes "I didn't know anything I was so worried. Adam always said you were smart I knew you were smart but when you turned your phone off" "I knew you or someone else would track it" "it gave me some comfort that if you were smart enough to know that maybe your would be ok but I didn't know" he walks around the counter watching him with my eyes "a week that's how long it was I called the school everyday to make sure you were there....Almost went down there many times but everyone told me to let you come to me" "they were wrong" he looks confused "I would have hugged you held you tight" he weakly smiles "I was almost benched from going out in the field because I was so erratic you know why...because you my ley girl weren't there" I nod he held my face wiping the tears that somehow leaked out of my eyes against my will. "I know I haven't been the best dad recently" I lean forward putting my head on his shoulder "I think I forgot how important you were and you are my life my everything Ley you hold my heart more than anyone on this planet" he held me tight I just rest my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. "I'm going to make you proud" "I'm already proud of you dad" I say looking up at him he smiles at me "i have been a crappy father to the best daughter on the planet" I sigh "I'm not the best I'm sorry I have been getting arrested and into all kinds of trouble" he just pulls me to him "how bout we both make a deal to do better I be a better father and you no more getting arrested" I laugh nodding "sounds like you two are getting along" we both step back looking over seeing Hailey standing there. She had one of my dads shirts on leaning against the wall. I stare at her uncomfortable. My dad walks over to her giving her a kiss. I look around "I'm going to go" I grab my stuff "no Ley no" I race towards the door but before I can go out it my dad grabs my arm stopping me in place. "I'm not letting you leave like that I just got you back" I glance at Hailey I didn't know her other than my dads partner and his side piece which I now know he has been trading me for. "Spend the day with us" I roll my eyes I had no desire to spend time with her. My dad I might consider but her no. "I could leave" she offers making me smile "no no I want to spend the day with both my girls" My dad said making me sigh. "Ley please you have been missing for a week" I sigh I desperately wanted to send Hank a message to call them in but I couldn't do that to my dad.

I sat on the couch with my arms crossed. "Do you want something" Hailey asks from the kitchen she was making food. "I'm right thanks" she sighs "so your dad tells me you play soccer and played football" "yep" I say looking out the window just looking out at beautiful Chicago. "Do you do anything else" "no" I shake my head I had zero intention to talk to her. "Come on Ley yeah you do" Jay shoves me slightly making me look at him. "Ok what about what do you like doing" Hailey asks "hanging out with my friend and family" I shrug "cool" she nods clearly trying to think of something "Adam told me you guys have a movie night" "do you ask everyone about me" she seemed taken back "you know what I have to go" i say jumping up "I will be back later I promise" I tell my dad. I grab my phone before rushing out of the apartment.

I ran up the steps pushing the doorbell repeatedly. "Frank" "Adam hey" I basically barge in racing up to his apartment, him moving after me. "What's going on" "I don't know if anyone has noticed but my dad is sleeping with Hailey" "I knew something was happening they have weird chemistry" "yeah well she's trying way to hard and it's doing my head in...my dad picked her" "that's why you disappeared" I nod "he was disappearing constantly now I know it was for her" I sigh he wraps his arms around me as he sits beside me "she was trying to hard...dad wanted to hang out with us his two girls he called us" I lean into him "she was asking all these questions I didn't want to answer not while she's standing in our kitchen wearing my dads shirt...my dad even tried to get me to but I just snapped" I had tears in my eyes "I couldn't handle it my dad trying to get me to be nice to his side piece and her million questions" he sighs "you know I don't do good with people asking me things" he strokes my hair I wish more than anything he was my dad. "That I do it took forever for you to talk to me freely for me to actually know who Frankie is" I laugh "want me to call him" "maybe soon right now I just need someone to give me everything" "he will" he pulls out his phone messaging my dad.

I sat on the couch my head resting on my knees watching Adam move about his apartment. He opens the door allowing my dad inside. "Ley" he said rushing over to my pulling me into his chest "I'm sorry" I lean into his chest "I just she was pushing so hard" he strokes my hair "hey it's ok I shouldn't have pushed you" I listen to my heartbeat. This is where I wanted to be in my fathers arms, I don't think I could ever get to old to find this comfortable and safe.

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