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My wrist aching from the handcuffs

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My wrist aching from the handcuffs. I avoid looking at my dad. I hear him sigh before he takes the handcuffs off placing them back in his pocket. He grabs my arm not to hard though and drags me up the steps. He spins me around, kinda glad his holding me cause I would have fallen from the rough spin. It didn't hurt it was more just sudden. "Speak" I don't speak just looking away "now is not the time Bailey you need to tell us what he gave you and what you know about Zoe" my dad snapped begged it was a bit of both he was clearly pissed. I don't respond just looking out the window. I felt a hand gently but still rough grab my chin forcing me to look in their eyes. I find myself staring in Hanks eyes "Bailey now is not the time to be the smartest person in the room. You can't run your own thing here i know you probably have Belle and James doing it out there while you feed them but this isn't some game of cops and robbers you could be getting them killed he already killed one person" he makes me look at the picture of the girl who died. "Frank whatever you found was clearly enough to flag her as missing and call Belle so just tell us" Adam tried when I remained silent but I didn't answer. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. I jump when Hank slams his hand on a desk "you understand your jeopardising an investigation" he pointed at me "you know we could arrest you for interfering with an investigation and withholding information" "Voight" my dad said making me glance at him "no she wants to play games well I'm done she here how it's going to go you either start talking or I call down to have you arrest and this time you will be charge need time to think" I frown watch him put the phone to his ear. He watches me as he slowly moves his finger to push the button to call downstairs. "No one has seen her in years the school filed many reports but nothing ever came anything" I begin telling them everything the tears in my eyes slowly falling. I stand there for a minute before racing down the stairs. I get to opposite Trudy's desk before dad grabs my arm spinning me around. "I'm going home I know I disappointed everyone" I say quietly causing him to sigh "I'll call Will to come sit with me cause I know you won't want me home alone" I add quietly he rubs his face "I'll message Will straight home" I nod he kisses my head before I leave.

It had been hours. I lay on my bed in my own world. I had cuddled with Will for a little bit before I came to lay down in my bed. "Jay" I hear Will say. "Whatever happened she's not good" i head dad sigh "you seriously cuffed her and then Voight tried to have her arrested" I heard his loud footsteps down the hall. My door opens with its usual long squeak. I don't see who it is on account of me facing the other way. I heard him sigh before coming and sitting behind me "I know your not sleeping I also know you are giving me the silent treatment right now but all I need from you is to listen" my dad said stroking my head "Ley girl your so kind brave and confident. Your not afraid of anything even after everything you have been through. I wish I would take your pain away, even if I admire how well you handle it. Your my entire world you have been since the day you were born. When you ran off today to talk to that guy I freaked out I was so scared, I would never admit that know you know that. I was ready to jump out and drag you back to the truck Voight told us to stand by. Ruzek told me he would have my back if I wanted to go against Voight because your my daughter. But everything in me told me to trust you. And I do more than anything. Your so so smart probably smarter than a lot of the guys on the squad. I was...I'm sorry I handcuffed I was just so mad and scared. I shouldn't have left you handcuffed truth was I thought if I left you there I could cool down...then it all happened Voight threatened to have you charged I'm sorry your making you feel like a criminal that wasn't my intention. I love you so so much your my Ley girl" I had tears in my eyes. He leaned down kissing my head before getting up to leave. I grab his wrist stopping him making look at me in shock "I love you daddy" he smiles squeezing my arm. He sat back down taking me in his arms and holding me tight.

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