1| Delirious

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"Aw, you poor thing

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"Aw, you poor thing." Dana Williams, my best friend and my roommate of the past three years frowned as she leaned over me. I weakly flutter my eyes open to see her place her tattooed hand on my forehead, feeling my temperature.

"Sunny, you are burning up." She pulled her hand away and stood over me giving me a sympathetic expression.

Generally, I am a healthy person. I rarely ever get sick. When I do, it's usually a cough or something else very minor like the common cold.

When I woke up this morning, the agony and discomfort I felt were brutal. For the first time in almost ten years, my immune system betrayed me and I have succumbed to the flu. The flu I feel is doing its absolute best ability to take me out.

I would not be surprised in the slightest if the devil had handcrafted this virus himself. My sinuses were blocked, my body ached all over and I've been battling with this abominable fever on and off the entire night.

"Do you want me to make you some soup?" Dana asked and I quickly shook my head no.

"I've got class in thirty minutes." I croaked weakly.

Dana pierced her honey brown eyes at me astounded that I still had the idea in my mind that I was going to class. "Sunny, please tell me you are joking. You are sick. There is no way you can make it to class in this condition. Missing one day will not hurt."

What she was saying made sense. As much as I did not care to admit it, Dana was right. I cannot attend class in the current state I am in. Yet the overachieving, perfectionist element that was ingrained in me by my parents was putting up a fight. Every bit apart of me was urging me to get out of bed, and just endure the pain.

In the three years I've attended this school I have never missed a single day of class. Of all of the days, I would become unexpectedly, sick it just had to be on the first day of my senior year of college.

"Let me make you another cup of tea," Dana said right before walking out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. "No thanks Dana, I'm fine," I shouted after her but she ignored me.

I appreciate all of your kindness but the kitchen is not Dana's strong suit. We do not share the same admiration for food. I'm a huge foodie as for Dana, she has a lot of allergies, it's to the point she has no choice but to have a vegan diet. Her mindset on food contrast with mine. She believes food's sole purpose should only be for fuel and nourishment.

I somewhat understand her logic. Yet I think it does not hurt to indulge in a little appreciation of food then and there.

Dana and I have been roommates since freshman year. We bonded the very first moment we met. I loved her crude and witty personality. She is unlike anyone I have ever met. We may have absolutely nothing in common but I find so much solace in our friendship. She has taught so much about womanhood, more than she will ever know.

Dana grew up in an unconventional household. Her mother, Agnes, is a former pornography star and her father is a one-hit-wonder rap star. To say that Dana was raised with ideas and views that would contrast probably every person raised in a traditional family home is an understatement.

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