8| Especially The Football Team!

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"Dana?" I said tiredly entering my apartment

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"Dana?" I said tiredly entering my apartment.

I looked at the time and I was home thirty minutes early. Logan took it upon himself to drive us home. He drives like a maniac. He was speeding and swerving. I had to put my headphones in and distract myself from his terrifying driving.

"Dana?" I said entering her room but she was not there.

I searched around the apartment for any traces of her but she was not home.

Since I have a 8 am class in the morning, I entered my bathroom took a quick shower and went to bed.

Dana was still not home when I woke up the next morning. I shot her a couple of text messages and she didn't even text me back.

"Good morning Professor Hampton." I smiled at her when I entered the classroom.

For the most part I already have a majority of the project completed. I just have a few things I need to spruce up.

I think I did a pretty good job, it just enraged me beyond belief that Kendra of all people is going to get a grade for something she does not deserve.

"Hey Sunny, me and my roommate are having a girl's night at my apartment. I really want you to come." Hayley said smiling at me.

Since freshmen year this girl has been trying to get me out. When is she going to give up?

"I have to study." I smiled at her. "Sunny it's our last year. We need to get you outside!" Hayley scoffed. "I don't really like parties." "I know that. It's not a party. It's a girls night. It's going to be really fun." Hayley pleaded.

I ran my hand through my hair and shook my head. I had no interest to go to this so called "girls night" I was already a little worn out from the engagement party.

"I'll think about it." I lied. "No, I know you. I need you to say yes! If you don't I'll just have to force you."

I laughed out loud. Hayley is easily 100 pounds wet. I have a good thirty pounds on her. She won't be able to force me to do anything.

"There's going to be food, and wine and we are going to watch movies, it's going to be so much fun, please, you have to go." Haley said persistent.

I'm not going to lie. It does sound like it's going to be fun. How bad can it be. I should try to get out of the house more often. I looked at Hayley and finally said yes. I'll just go, get some food. Make my rounds and I'll be out of there.


Dana was not home when I got to the apartment later on that afternoon. If I didn't talk to her on the phone I would have been worried as fuck.

The girls night that I regrettably agreed to go to was in a couple of hours. I changed into my sweats and snuck in a nap before I began to get ready.

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