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(Original Ending vs. Alternate Ending)

I began writing Ignited since last October. Chapter 1-32 has been completed since December of last year. That's how I have been able to publish so often. I prefer to be at least 5- 10 chapters ahead before updating.

There are a few scenes I've taken out and added in but for the most part the plot line has stayed the same. I struggled the most with the ending. I almost even did a second book. Yet I know in my heart I had to finish Logan and Sunny's story.

There is not much I changed about the characters. Sunny was always Sunny & Logan was always Logan. When I wrote Ignited, I knew I wanted to make Sunny and Logan an interracial couple. The only character I changed was Jake. He was originally black, and he was Logan's tutor, who also happened to have a crush on Logan, but I changed his ethnicity and decided to make him a football player as well. When I was reediting it I just kept picturing a southern white man with a fun personality.

My favorite side character is by far Marcus.... I know, I know. Keeping that huge secret from Sunny was really messed up. He did deserve a lot of the hate because the way he was moving as sneaky. To me, his dilemma is very understandable. I'm sure if Farrah was cheating on Melvin, Sunny would have done the same thing and kept quiet as well.

The beating Marcus received from his father after he told his mom about finding his dad with his tutor also played a GIGANTIC role in why he chose not to say anything.

Life is messy, and everyone makes stupid mistakes. Marcus loves his brother and he also loves Sunny. His loyalty to his brother is his biggest flaw. Thankfully he was able to make it right in the end.

My least favorite characters is a tossup between Dana and Melvin. Melvin is my ex boyfriend through and through and Dana is a snake. Kendra is a whole other ballpark, that girl is just... she is freaking insane! She wasn't supposed to play such a big part in this story, she was only supposed to be Logan's annoying friend but I turned her up a few of notches.

Now for my biggest revelation. I changed the ending last minute.... So...Yeah.... Sunny & Logan was supposed to die in a house fire during their reconciliation. Kendra would have escaped the mental hospital and lock them in a house then set the house on fire. That is the vision I had when I first began writing this story. Which is why the name of the book is (IGNITED). It was a play on words. lol. 😅😅

The POV would shift to Farrah and we would know her thoughts as she breaks things off with Melvin and mourn her sister.

***Runs and ducks for cover***

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a sad ending but in this case, I could not do it. It literally messed with my soul as I was writing it. I couldn't sleep, and it was making me sick. Although it was the original ending, and I tried to follow through with it, I quickly scrapped that shit and thought long and hard on how I really wanted Sunny & Logan's ending to play out. I like this ending so much more. I think Sunny finally speaking up on her sexual assault and Derrick finally going to jail was just icing on the cake.

So, this is my first completed story ever on this platform. I downloaded Wattpad in 2020 during the quarantine because I was bored. The little I heard about this app never really interested me. I always thought it was only Fanfic stories (which are not my thing). ***No judgement*** but I was wrong. There are so many talented writers on here and a lot of the books I've read are far better than any of the books I've personally purchased.

So there has been several of you who have reached out to me and praised me for my work. Every time this happens I cry like a baby. You guys don't even know just how much that means to me. Writing this story has gotten me out of my depression and I will forever be grateful. Not to be dramatic or anything but this app saved me. Just getting to do something you love is a surreal feeling.

I have so many incomplete stories in my draft. I'm going to take some time to sort through them. My goal is to publish a few stories on here. I might even publish some stuff on amazon. I'm not sure yet. I'm just so excited I found my passion in writing again!

I need to refresh on my grammar and creative writing skills as well. I want to give a special shout out to everyone who was here from the beginning. You guys are the best and I don't think I would have finished this story without your support.

Love you guys! 💕💕💕💕💕💕

IGNITED (+18) Where stories live. Discover now