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I should have trusted my gut and fought a little harder with Professor Hampton to change groups for the project

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I should have trusted my gut and fought a little harder with Professor Hampton to change groups for the project. I've never been so stressed out about an assignment in my life.

As expected Kendra has not answered any of my calls or text messages pertaining to the group project and the other girl in our group had some type of family emergency and had to drop the class.

That leaves me to work on a project that is 20% of my final grade all by myself. The next couple of days are going to be hell. I know I can do it. It just sucks I ended up in this situation.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" I asked Dana who seemed to be in some type of trance.

She was sitting on the floor, rolling up her fifth joint. Dana is a complete stoner. There is no question about that but lately, she has been smoking a lot more often.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Tell Farrah I say congratulations." She said with a weak smile.

"Okay." I sighed.

She was still in such a weird mood and for the life of me, I could not tell you what was the matter with her. She's been sitting on the same spot on the sofa smoking weed and sulking. If I didn't know any better I would think she was going through some type of heartbreak.

Dana doesn't do boyfriends. At least that's what she has told me for the past three years. She has brought several men and women over to our apartment but I have never seen any of them a second time.

I walked back into my bedroom to continue to pack. I decided I'm going to stay the weekend with Farrah and get some sister bonding time.Ping

I looked at my phone and it was a text message from Marcus.

I'm outside.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath.

I looked around my bedroom and my stuff was scattered everywhere. For the most part, I was done packing, I just wanted to do my hair and makeup really quick before we head out on the road.

Give me 5 minutes.

I'm going to need more than five minutes to do my makeup. Marcus and I have known each other for our entire lives. He should know what's up.

About a minute passed by after I sent the text message to Marcus. The next thing I know there was a loud knock on the front door.

"Who is it?" I laughed knowing good and well it was Marcus behind the door fully prepared to drag me out. "Sunny open the door," Marcus shouted from the other side.

I unlocked the door, turned the knob, and let Marcus in. "I should have known better, your black ass is never on time. Sup Dana." He said nodding his head at an almost comatose Dana.

Marcus walked right past me and straight into my bedroom and grabbed my carry-on suitcase by my door.

"Let's go. I want to beat the morning traffic." He said before he yanked at my arm. "Can I at least do my face real quick?" I pleaded. "Hell naw!" He spat giving me a look in disbelief. "The hell is the matter with you. Did you forget that I know how long it takes you to do your makeup!"

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