34| Weak

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I spent the entire morning trying to get in contact with Sunny

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I spent the entire morning trying to get in contact with Sunny. She never came by my house last night. She sent me a text message letting me know she's going over Hendricks house and she hasn't answered any of my phone calls ever since.

I hung up the phone and walked out to the the field for football practice. As I got closer and closer to the field I heard Sunny's voice. She was screaming all sorts of obscenities.

What the fuck?

I rushed over to the field. I froze when I saw Marcus holding Sunny back as she furiously screamed at the top of her lungs at Melvin. From the look in her eyes alone I knew she was enraged. She looked like she was going to murder him.

I quickly put two and two together and figured Sunny found out about Melvin's infidelity.

"Sunny!" I shouted running over to her.

Her eyes were red from crying and she had no makeup on. I grabbed her from Marcus and quickly lead her away.

"Control your girl man!" One of the football players had the fucking nerve to say.

I turned around and looked at him. "Shut the fuck up!" I shouted angrily at the bitch as pussy who had the audacity to say something at the current intense moment.

He took a few steps back when he saw I was serious.

I pulled Sunny's arm and we entered one of the buildings. Thankfully there was no one in the hallway. I grabbed her face and made her look at me.

"Baby, what's the matter?" I asked hoping she woulf calm down. I should have known better.

"Don't play stupid Logan!" She slapped my hand away angrily. She was fuming. She gritted her teeth at me. "You knew didn't you!" She shouted with such anger it made me take a few steps back. "You knew Melvin was sleeping with Dana didn't you!"

I stared at her in silence. I could lie and pretend I didn't know what the fuck she was talking about. I wanted to so badly. I was scared as fuck. Telling her the truth might end us.

Reluctantly, I nodded my head and made the tough the decision to bite the bullet and just tell her the truth.

"Yeah." I said looking at the ground. "Oh my god!" She shouted in horror. "So you and Marcus have been in my face knowing what Melvin was doing to my sister and never thought to tell me anything. How long has this been going on?" She cried.

I shrugged my shoulders. I wanted to tell Sunny about it, I really did but it was not my place and I also had my friendship with Marcus to think about. It was a real fucked up situation. Seeing how this devastated her made me feel awful and it made me regret keeping such a huge secret from her.

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