38| What did you do?

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The last couple of chapters were really dark and I needed a bit of a mental break. Sorry for that enormous cliffhanger you guys. 😅 That was quite diabolical of me! 😂😂😂
I did warn you guys that everything will go crazy after Mexico 😭

 😅 That was quite diabolical of me! 😂😂😂 I did warn you guys that everything will go crazy after Mexico 😭

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Freshman Year

"Yo Hill, just how do you get all these girls to flock around you?" One of the guys from the football team asked me as he patted my back.

"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders not knowing how to answer the question.

Barron Lopez entered the locker room. He had bruises all along the left side of his rib cage. He took a pretty bad tackle in practice today.

"What are you guys talking about now?" Barron asked directing his attention my way.

Barron is set to graduate this year. He is one of the best quarterbacks to have ever played for NDU. He's good but I feel like I'm better. Unfortunately I'm a freshmen and no one is really paying much attention to me... for now.

"You heard about what Hill did." Marcus said with a proud grin plastered on his face. "My boy gets all the bitches." Marcus added opening nudging my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes. Marcus sleeps with just as much women as me but he's very discreet about it. You would never know.

All everyone in the locker room can talk about is the threesome I had with the Granger twins last week.

The Grangers are the most annoying girls I've ever met but I was dared that I was not going to be able to sleep with them.

Shows what they know. I ended up getting both of them at the same time. It was by far the wildest night I've ever experienced. I don't know why but the nerdy girls are always the freakiest.

They both swallowed my dick hole and I nearly tapped out. I walked out of the room that night limping. It was fun but never the fuck again!

"You have to teach us your ways." One of the guys in the football team shouted.

I let out a chuckle.

"Just some word of advice. There is going to come a time where you fall for one girl and jumping from girl to girl is not going to be interesting anymore." Barron said slipping his t shirt on.

I rolled my eyes. The thought of being with only one girl did not intrigue me one bit!

"The fuck you talking about Lopez!" Marcus's older brother Melvin scoffed entering the locker room.

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