33| Let Me Finish

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"Hello Sunny, it's been so long since I've seen you

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"Hello Sunny, it's been so long since I've seen you. You look absolutely stunning." Jared's dad said Mr. Combs beamed when he opened the door for me.

"Hi Mr. Combs." I said politely.

From the look in his face I can tell he was elated to see me standing at his doorstep. I think he made the false assumption that I am going to get back together with his son.

"Where is Jared?" I asked politely. "He's out back. He's been waiting on you." He smiled.

I entered the house and all the memories of the time I spent in this house hit me like a ton of bricks. I was not prepared for the emotions that were plaguing through my body like this. I took a deep breath and put on a brave front. I was nervous beyond all recognition but I had to remain calm.

Jared sent me a long text message last week apologizing for everything that went down in Mexico. He also informed me that he checked Ned for hitting me and he broke up with Valentina. I felt awful for her.

I have to find a way to reach out to her. Although we did not have much interactions, she was very pleasant to me every time.

After I read his text message 100 times, I decided that it was time for us to finally meet up and talk things out. What happened in Mexico was inexcusable and I had to put a stop to all of this once and for all.

I found Jared sitting on the chair facing the pool. He was wearing a black hoodie and black basketball shorts. He looked up and gave me a nervous smile and I walked over to him. Like Logan he still had a bit of bruising on his face.

"How are you?" He asked leaning back in his chair. "I'm good." I answered sitting at the chair beside him.

He was smoking a cigarette. He picked up the habit when we were juniors in high school. As much as I urged him to stop he continued.

We sat in awkward silence for a couple of minutes. I stared forward at the sunset. It was beautiful. Jared and I used to sit at this exact spot every chance we could to watch the sunset. Just when I thought I was going to literally die from all the crazy thoughts in my mind Jared finally broke the silence.

"Look...Sunny. I want to apologize to you." He sighed. "Jared..." "No, let me finish." He sighed. "I broke your heart and you restored yourself back together and found happiness and I really thought I could come in and get you back. I had no right to do that. That's my bad." He tossed his cigarette bud to the side.

"Yeah." I nodded my head.

I didn't have anything else to say. He was right. That's exactly what happened.

"I love you Sunny. I will always love you. I blew it with you and I'm going to have to spend the rest of my life knowing that I fucked up and I lost the one girl I ever really loved because I was being selfish."

"Don't do that Jared." I shook my head. "When you broke up with me I really thought the same thing. I don't want you to go through that. I love you Jared. You know I will always love you but what we had fizzled out." I wiped the forming tears from my eyes. "One day, you will find a girl that will just steal your heart and I will become just a memory." "I don't know about that Sunny." He chuckled. "It happened with me. I would have never guess I would be in a relationship with someone like Logan but here I am." I smiled.

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