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Sunny held Logan's hand as they walked into the courtroom room. This day has been set in the calendar for months. Today was sentencing day for the now convicted rapist, Derrick Stewart.

Unfortunately, Sunny was not his only victim. A total of seven other women came forward accusing Derrick of drugging them and raping them. When Sunny seen this she decided to come forward as well.

After a thorough investigation, Derrick was subsequently arrested and found guilty of all the charges.

Her platform on YouTube has grown larger and she's finally generating enough income to flourish in the expensive lifestyle she has always strive for. She has also been able to pay her father back for all of the balances on the credit cards she's maxed out.

Derrick sat with an angry expression on his face. All seven women came to court to make a statement. In his eyes he feel as if he did nothing wrong.

"You okay baby?" Logan asked placing his hand on Sunny's face.

Sunny nervously placed her hand on her six month pregnant stomach. After living with each other for a year, Sunny's birth control failed her... again. This time around. There wasn't a creeping, obsessive psychopath around the corner to stab her.

Logan does not allow Sunny to leave his sight. He makes sure to be at her beck and call. The fear of anything happening to Sunny or his child is his biggest fear.

Kendra is still in a mental institution and will not be released until she is no longer a threat to herself and others, which will be no time soon.

"I'm fine." Sunny said calmly.

Sunny tightened her grip on Logan's hand when the judge walked in. She watched as one by one each victim gave a tearful testimony on how Derrick destroyed their life and he should rot in jail. He sat there unfazed.

Sunny's friends and family were all present. Hendricks and Jake broke things off when they realized they had nothing in common and their relationship was based all from lust. Their break up was amicable and they are still close friends. Jake is now dating a woman by the name of Nicole and Hendricks is still dating around and still get's into trouble especially when he is around Dallas.

Marcus sat beside Hayley, who is still his girlfriend. He could not take his angry eyes off of Derrick. He could kill Derrick for what he did to all of those poor woman. If Marcus had an inkling of what Derrick has been doing all of these years he would have put a stop to it.

When it came time for Sunny to give her statement she felt an overwhelming sense of nausea.

Sunny cleared her throat and stood at the podium. With shaking hands she took out the letter she wrote to Derrick. She wrote it years prior but has made alterations to it every couple of months or so.

"Hi Derrick. I'm sure you remember me. When you saw me at that bar that night alone, did you know I was depressed? Did you know that I had not left my room for weeks? Did you know I did not shower or brush my hair because I thought my life was over because a man I once loved had left me? I got out that house that day wanting to do something for myself. I wanted to have fun. I wanted to laugh again. I wanted to dance the night away. I think about that night over and over. What you did was despicable and you deserve to be in jail. I'm grateful that I was able to overcome my assault. Although I have to live with what you did to me for the rest of my life, I have moved on. I'm expecting to give birth to a baby girl this fall and because of what you did I'm terrified to bring her into a world with monsters like you, but nevertheless,  I will do my best to protect her. I'm going to keep my statement short. I'm going to end this with telling you that I hope you know that you did not break me." Sunny said emotional before walking away from the podium.

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