21| The Lottery

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I watched Sunny sleep beside me

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I watched Sunny sleep beside me. I traced a finger along her bare shoulders. She was still naked. I could not stop watching her, she was so beautiful. I could stare at her for hours but I wanted her awake. I wanted more of her.

We had sex for hours last night and she did a pretty good job keeping up with me. After last night there is no way in hell I'm ever going to let her go.

"Baby." I said shaking her arm.

She slowly flickered her eyes open, waking up. A small smile hit her lips as she focused her eyes on me. "Hi." She said placing her hand on my face. "Hi." I leaned in and kissed her lips.

"What time is it?" She yawned sitting up covering her breast with the bedsheets.

I didn't see the point of that. There is nothing on her body that I haven't seen, touched or kiss. Sunny has an amazing body. It's what made me chase after her in the first place and it was worth it.

"It's almost three in the afternoon." I laughed. "What!" She gasped getting out of bed reaching for her phone. The bed sheets were still wrapped around her body. It was beginning to annoy me.

"I'm kidding. It's really ten in the morning." "Ugh, you ass!" She said swatting my arm. "You want to grab some breakfast?" I asked softly. "Yeah." She nodded her head.

I pulled her arm and pulled her to my lap. I pulled off the bedsheets so I can take a good look at her naked body. Her dark brown nipples were hard and she had a tiny scar right at her left hipbone. I placed a kiss on the nape if her neck.

"Logan." She groaned. "What? I can't take a look at my girlfriend naked." "You had enough last night. I don't even think I can even walk." She said attempting to stand up from my lap but I held a tight grip on her.

"Take a shower with me." I said kissing her neck. "It will loosen your muscles and make you feel all better." I said with an ulterior motive. "Okay, but no funny stuff. I'm sore." She warned. "You have my word." I said with a smile because I know I was lying my ass off.


"We'll look who it is." Marcus said glaring at me and Sunny when we entered the kitchen.

He was sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal. He gave us both a taunting grin.

Sunny was already a little upset because her hair got wet when I was fucking her in the shower. I've fucked several girls in the shower before and none of them ever cared about getting their hair wet.

"Sup Marcus." I said pulling at the refrigerator door. I took out a Gatorade bottle and a water bottle and handed it to Sunny.

"You know my room is right beneath you right?" Marcus laughed.

"Oh god!" Sunny groaned placing her hand over her face. "Marcus don't start!" She sighed.

"Y'all were loud as hell." Marcus teased. "I don't know what you are talking about." Sunny pressed her lips in a fine line.

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