Bonus Chapter: When They Almost Met

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Sunny Rose

"I just want to talk to you, Jared don't do this." I was crying hysterically into the phone. I don't think I've ever cried so hard in my life.

I could not believe he was doing this to me. I could not believe he was doing this to us.

"Jared, PLEASE!" I cried into the phone. "Let's just talk about this. Just talk to me. Jared, please, please. PLEASE!" My hands were trembling my heart was racing, and I felt like throwing up.

I knew he's been distant the past couple of weeks but I would have never imagined he wanted to break things off. After everything we have been through. How could he do this?

He was silent on the line as I pleaded and begged for him to not leave me. I was a complete maniac but losing Jared has always been my biggest fear. I love him so much. It was pathetic and my mom would probably have smacked me if she saw the way I was acting, but I didn't care I was desperate. If he can just hear me out he would know that this was a mistake. We love each other. This was Jared. This is the man I'm planning on spending the rest of my life with.

"I'm sorry Sunny. I just can't do this anymore. I found someone else and I have some strong feelings for her. I want to see where it goes. I love you Sunny but we are done. Take care of yourself alright." He said softly before he abruptly hung up the phone.

I tried calling him several times after he hung up. It did not take long for me to realize he blocked me. I went into his social media and saw that he blocked me there too. In a fit of rage, I hurled my phone across the room and screamed as if I was being murdered.

I was so loud, that my roommate Dana charged into my room with a panicked look on her face.

"Sunny! Oh my god! Are you okay?" Dana asked completely stunned by my hysterical state.

She was in the middle of doing her hair and makeup for the big party she was going to tonight.

"I can't believe this!" I shouted in hysteria.

I think it's the first time she's ever seen me cry in all the time we have been with each other.

I sat in my bed crying into my hands like a baby. "H-he broke up with me. Jared broke up with me?" I said in disbelief. "I've been with the man since Freshmen year of high school and he threw it away all for what?" I sobbed.

Dana rushed to my side and wrapped her arms around me and rocked me back and forth.

"He is just some guy. Sunny. Don't waste your tears on him. It is not the end of the world." Dana said passing her hand over my face.

The thing is, Jared is my world. I don't think I can function without him.

"Fuck him. You are too smart and too beautiful to be crying over some stinky boy." Dana said pushing my break up to the side like it was nothing.

"Come on let's go out and get shit-faced." She grinned before she playfully nudged me on the arm.

I sniffled and shook my head. Going out to some party is the last thing in the universe I wanted to do. I stood up and walked across the room to pick up my phone. The screen cracked and it was not turning on. It was almost 9 pm. All of the stores are closed. I won't be able to get my phone fixed until the morning.

"Can you can just stay here with me please?" I asked Dana.

I knew it was a long shot asking my best friend who is a notorious party animal to actually stay home but it was worth a shot. I didn't want to be alone.

"Girl, it's the first week of sophomore year. All the parties are going on right now. I can't miss it." She gasped in horror. "If you want me to stay, I will but I don't think it will solve anything with us both sitting here being miserable." She groaned.

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