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"Hey Marcus

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"Hey Marcus." I said softly letting him into my apartment.

He wore a grey T-shirt and black sweat pants. Every time I take a look at Marcus my mind goes berserk. I'm so used to seeing him as the version he was in high school. It still is an adjustment seeing him as this "man" standing before me.

"Hey Sunny Sun." He gave me a nervous smile as he walked passed me.

Marcus has not called me "Sunny Sun" in years. It made me bring my guard down. This is going to be the first time we have spoken since I yelled at him for putting me in that awkward position with Jared.

"So what's the matter?" I asked getting straight to the point.

Whatever he wanted to talk to me about must be really important because he did not want to speak to me through the phone. It had to be in person.

"How you doing?" He asked running his hand through his well kept beard, disregarding my question. "I'm great." I yawned. I was still exhausted.

He stood there awkwardly staring at me. There was obviously a lot on his mind. I wanted to smack it out of him. Whatever he wanted to say he can just spit it out.

"Look. I want to tell you I'm sorry." He finally said.

I rolled my eyes. He could have honestly just said this through a text message.

"Marcus..." "Sunny, you are completely right about me. I have not been a good friend to you. I know that. I'm really, really sorry." He cut me off.

I looked into Marcus's eyes and from my perception I sensed a bit of guilt coming out of him. He could not stand still, his eyes were on the ground and he keptwas rubbing his hands together.

I know Marcus. He's hiding something.

"Marcus, it's okay." I forced a smile. You know I can sometimes be a little dramatic. All is forgiven." I said feeling a little bad that he Marcus was going through this inner battle about me.

"You were not being dramatic Sunny, you were speaking from your heart, That shit you said, as much as it hurt, it was true. There is no other way to put it. I abandoned you. I'm really sorry Sunny." This time he gave me eye contact.

Everything about his body language read remorse. I already forgiven him. Without a doubt Marcus is my platonic soulmate. We have been through so much together. I never intended on ending our friendship. Sure I was angry with him but there is nothing he can do that would make me resort to that choice.

"Thank you Marcus. I really appreciate that." I pulled him into a tight hug. "I'm over it. I know you didn't mean to hurt me." I nodded my head.

"I had my own shit I was going through too. All eyes were on me on the team. I was so focused I didn't think about the people around me. I don't want to do this shit anymore Sun. It's not fun." Marcus had tears running down his cheeks now.

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