Chapter 4 - A very Thrombey Breakfast

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Ransom hadn't really slept. Instead he'd sat brooding in the library for most of the night, just drinking and contemplating what fresh hell the future had in store for him.

With his mother being a light sleeper, Linda had eventually made her way downstairs, noting the lights in the library that were on. "Dad?" she called and then saw her son. "Oh, it's just you Ransom."

"Yep" he smacked his lips. "Just me."

"How much have you had to drink?" she asked, spying the near empty bottle of wine on the table next to him.

"Not enough to satisfy me that's for sure." He said, reaching forward and refilling his glass with the last of the crimson liquid. "You and dad sure are set on making my life a misery, aren't you? Parents of the year..."

Linda rolled her eyes. "Don't say that..."

He took a long sip of wine. "Just did."

"Look, we never wanted it to be like this, but your Grandfather..."

"You always listen to what he says?" he gave a small laugh, "Geez and here was me thinking you had your own mind."

"This is the best thing for you. You've been wayward for long enough and in the end someone had to be brave enough to do what we've tried to do for a while now."

He looked across at her. "Y'know what? As soon as I'm married the first thing I'm doing is getting the hell outta here . You'd sure love that."

"With or without your wife?"

Ransom shrugged. "Guess you wont be satisfied unless I take her. You'll get your big fancy wedding and to marry me off, but after that? I'm done with you all."


"Don't!" he raised his voice and stood up angrily. "Don't call me that..." His head was throbbing slightly from the amount of alcohol he'd consumed. It seemed to be kicking it fully now, and it had only taken all night. "You and dad couldn't give a crap about me, you never have so don't start getting all sentimental just because i've agreed to go through with this."

Linda looked at him. He was drunk and his mind running away with him. She knew the drill. Unfortunately her son got his stubbornness from her – in fact there was a lot of traits there. Harlan always said that Ransom took after him more than he realised. Sometimes she wished that she could have inherited Richard's calmness and overall behaviour. It would certainly have made things a hell of a lot easier. Perhaps he would've had a job, found a wife all by himself. Maybe even a couple of grandkids that she could dote on? But no.

"Go to bed Ransom..."

"I'm not 12 anymore." He fired back.

"No but your still my son, so get your ass upstairs to bed and sleep it off. Harlan wants to speak to you and Effie and you're gonna need a clear mind."

He laughed, "Clear mind?" and now he pointed his finger at her threateningly. "You're gonna be lucky if I can even bear to sit through and endure that conversation drunk or not."

Taking an extra bottle from the mini bar, Linda grabbed it from him as he passed to head upstairs. "No."

Throwing his hands up, he simply admitted defeat. "Whatever."

Linda looked at the bottle and then back at the stairs that Ransom had now disappeared up. Shaking her head she popped the cork and began to drink. A cigarette wouldn't calm her nerves, not this time.

Effie frowned at all the freaky ornaments in the library the next morning. Her parents had all but dumped her with the Thrombey's for the night for some 'bonding'. Pointless really as she'd spent most of her time asleep just as they had. Now she was expected to have breakfast with them and act all sweetness and light. Then there was the planning session with Harlan at 11am. That was going to be dreadful.

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