Chapter 13 - Kiss Me More

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"Say that again..." Ransom said, staring at her.

Had he just heard her right?

"You will always get to take me home, not Keaton or anyone else...but you, and if people asked me to choose which one got that privilege, each time I'd choose you, Ransom."

Usually she wasn't one to get all sentimental and crap but this? It was obvious Ransom was jealous...which meant he felt something for her. No matter how big or small. She wondered just how much of their charade had been fake. Her own feelings were mixed. Did she feel something? Having her friends say that there had been nothing between them had irritated her, and the fact that he'd slept with Stella had really annoyed her. That had been the real turning point. Besides living with Ransom hadn't exactly been the worst thing in the world. After the whole situation with Keaton earlier, it had made Effie realised that perhaps she did like Ransom. If that were even possible?

A low growl escaped from him as he ran a hand through his hair. "Geez..." he muttered, which then sent her back to defensive mode.

"You know what! Forget I said anything!" And once more they were back in the stupid argument they'd got themselves into.

His voice was now raised. "You haven't even given me a chance to answer you! But I suppose that's not exactly surprising as you can never keep your mouth shut!"

She huffed. "Oh that's real nice Ransom!"

"Who said I was ever gonna be nice? You give me a freaking headache every day!" If she was going to get defensive then so would he.

"Good, because my aim is to give you as much shit as possible!" She stormed up the stairs to the bedroom she'd taken for herself, and he followed closely behind. Nope. This wasn't over. It was far from it.

"You're full of it anyway."

"Well whether you like it or not, I'm gonna continue to give you just as much of it as I can!"

"Will you just shut that mouth of yours for once in your damn life!" he'd had enough of this and pushed her up against the wall, caging her in.


He stared at her coldly. "Did you just slap me?"

"I'll do it again too." She threatened.

"Try it." As she went to, he grabbed her wrist and pinned it to the wall. "You need to either close that pretty mouth of yours sweetheart, or put it to use." Then, to silence her from making anymore comebacks, he pushed his lips onto hers.  She needed to be put into place.

On realisation of what they were now actually doing, they both pulled away and looked at one another for a moment. "You really think my mouth is pretty?" she asked, eyes still on him.

"Shut up Eff." And immediately their lips were on one another's once more, Ransom nudging her legs apart with his knee, one hand disappearing under her dress. "Geez you're soaked." He growled, yanking her underwear down while she worked at his trousers.

"Just so you know...I still hate you." she told him breathlessly while his teeth grazed down her neck, biting her, leaving marks.

He growled slightly, "I hate you more." 

Hoisting her up against the wall, he slid into her a little and she gasped. "Oh god..."

"Yeah he's got nothing to do with it sweetheart..." he chuckled, slowly slipping in inch by inch. "You gonna take all of me?"

"I...I can't..."

Now he looked smugly at her. "You can and you will..."

"You don't tell me what to do." she snapped

"I don't see you wanting me to stop." He fired back and pushed into her completely. "Geez you're tight too..."

"Well I can assure you I've done this loads of times."

"That was a compliment, why'd you always have to take offence to anything?" He said with another thrust.

"Because you offend me." She glared, trying to keep hanging on to him.

"So who was he then?" he asked as he continued, picking up the pace.


He stopped and looked her. "Keaton? Seriously?" and then shook his head, "My, my, what a disappointment."

"Like you care anyway-ah!" she yelped a little as he thrusted into her once more and forcefully.

"I don't, just thought you'd have had a bit more class than him. The guy's an idiot and after the whole situation that happened this evening? You know I'm right."

"He...he knows what he's lost..." she was finding it harder to speak.

That confirmed it for Ransom. He'd won and Keaton had lost. It was enough to make any man smug.

He was feeling it now, she was milking him for all he was worth, and it was driving him mad in both ways. He hated this woman, and he hated the fact that she was giving him some satisfaction at least. By now he had her saying his name and immediately the sense of arrogance overcame him again. "Bet he didn't have you screaming so loud that the neighbours knew his name." he taunted.

"Ransom, I...I need..."

"Not yet'll finish when I tell you that you can – god I'm gonna have you make such a mess..." he was pleased that for once she was doing as she was told.


Even he wasn't sure that he could hold on for much longer, "And you're being so polite too...didn't think that word was in your vocabulary?"

Yep. She was almost there, and he had her right where he wanted. Enough of the talking, he left more bite marks across her neck and chest, moving back up to her mouth and kissing her deeply again, then pulled away to whisper in her ear. "Time to let go sweetheart..." and immediately he felt her do so, Ransom following soon after - both stopping to get their breath back.

"How long have you wanted to do that?" Effie finally asked as she pulled her dress back down.

"To be honest, I don't know..."

Her blue eyes looked straight into his. "I meant what I said."

He nodded. "I know..."

The silence that now fell between them was deafening. Things had certainly shifted between them for sure. "So...what now?" she finally asked.

Ransom smirked. "Did you bring that Victoria's Secret nightwear?"

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