Chapter 7 - Exile

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Ransom had spent the night in the chair in the corner of the bedroom that was usually his when he stayed - and was in more of a bad mood than usual when he woke. His neck ached as well as his back – perhaps this is how Harlan and Nana felt on a daily basis?

Effie was still asleep, having won the battle of the bed when they'd eventually headed upstairs while the party was coming to an end. Not that he'd been tired, no he'd have rather stayed in the marquee drinking at the free bar, but noooo. His parents and hers had thwarted his plans and had marched them straight upstairs as though they had both skipped their bedtime curfew.

He perched on the edge of the bed next to her and turned his phone up to loud, sticking on the William Tell overture and pressing play.

She shot up immediately and then saw him keeling over with laughter. "You bastard!" she yelled and smacked him around the head with one of the pillows. "Seriously?"

"Yeah...real serious." He smirked and looked at her. "You look like shit."

"Like you think you look any better with that stupid face of yours." Effie bit back and put her head in her hands. "What time is it?"


She mumbled something that sounded to him like 'fuck off' and rolled over, slamming one of the pillows over her head. "I hate you." came the muffled voice from underneath it.

"Yep, right back 'atcha." He replied and went to change, already he'd had enough. He showered and dressed, walking back out and watching as she struggled to free herself from her dress. "Problem?" he asked, leaning against the bathroom door frame.

"Bloody zip is stuck."

"'re forever stuck in it."

"Stop being an asshole and help me."

"If it gets you to shut up then fine." He sighed and walked over, trying to tug the zip. "Yep...stuck."

"Nothing ever gets past you does it?" She replied dryly as he tried to yank it down. "Get your hand off my arse!"

Ransom grumbled at this. "You want this thing off then I've gotta hold onto something! Now shut the hell up and let me try." He said, one hand grasping her ass and the other tugging at the zipper.

Had anyone have walked in right now, it would've looked like he was taking her from behind, and unfortunately for him, being pressed up against her wasn't doing wonders for his groin area.

Clearly she felt this.

"Really Ransom?"

"It's a natural reaction!" he retorted. " it..." one strong tug and the zipper went down, the dress slipping from her and pooling at her feet. He took in her underwear and smirked. "Lace pants...very nice..."

"Ergh, turn around!" she snapped, pulling the dress back up to cover her. "And sort yourself out!" her eyes went to his groin, and she stalked into the bathroom, slamming the door.

"You're welcome!" he yelled and adjusted himself.

Of course her parents had everything packed up by the time she'd returned home that afternoon. Of course it had been done the very day she got married, like it was confirmation that this was no longer her home and that she'd be out of there with immediate effect. In truth Effie would have liked just one more night in her old room, but in order to 'bond' with her new husband, she was being made to move in straight away.

The way she saw it? It was like going into exile.

" guys really didn't hang about now that it's come to getting rid of me." She looked around her near empty room that was now filled with boxes containing everything from her walk in wardrobe, right down to the content of her vanity. "I mean, why don't we just tear up the carpet so I can take that with me too!"

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