Chapter 24 - Oh Daddy

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The sting ran through his hand as Effie dug her nails into his skin, letting out a pained wince as she did before cursing him. "I swear you are never touching me again!" she yelled as Ransom mouthed 'ow' to himself and rubbed at the area where she'd inflicted pain. Geez her grip was like a vice, but no – if he complained then he'd only receive more cursing at him, which was fair considering his wife was in labour, and probably the most over dramatic of women because of it.

"Anything you say Eff." He replied calmly. 

She didn't mean it, once they were settled she'd be the one begging to jumping his bones again – except this time they wouldn't be gaining anything else. One kid was enough, and it wasn't even here yet. It frustrated him that babies took forever to make an appearance, so much that he was on the verge of just asking the nurse to pull it out. Unfortunately it didn't work that way, and like everyone else he just had to wait.

Ransom was not a patient man at the best of times.

"I hate you..." Effie groaned as she pulled him more towards her so she could cling to him through the pain. "I want a divorce."

"I know, I hate you more, and sure I'll call my lawyer and we can sort that out." he smirked "But do you really have to dig your fucking nails into my hand so hard?"

She gave him a look that could have killed any man stone dead. "Would you prefer me to kick you in the balls a thousand times over? Because then you'd feel what I am, but it would also make sure you don't do this to me again!"


He looked at her and then came to his conclusion. "Dig them in as much as you like."

"Good...answer..." she panted, all the while still glaring at him. Ransom had never seen her in such a state before.

"Just stick this in your mouth and breathe." He rolled his eyes and passed the gas and air to her so she could inhale some.

"Oh believe me I'll stick this somewhere..." Effie growled and inhaled some, the pains growing more intense by the hour. They'd been here for five already and she was no closer to pushing this baby out than she'd hoped. "I just wanna get it out of me." She moaned and lay back against the pillows that the midwife had put behind her to keep her comfortable. Not that she was going to be that until it was all over. The pillows did bugger all.

Ransom rubbed his hand again. "Yeah well you heard the nurse, it's up to the kid." He shrugged, and sat back down in the chair by the bed.

This was happening and yet he still had no idea how to feel about it all. Would he bond with the baby? Would he love it? Hate it? If it was causing this much trouble before it was even born then goodness knows what it would be like when it was finally here. Still, there was no turning back now. 

What he'd just witnessed was forever burned in his mind. There seemed to be enough blood to only describe it as a murder scene but without the actual murder.  But they were fine. They were both fine, and that was all that mattered.

 "Well done Eff." He said, kissing her hair and then looking down at the baby in her arms.

It was a strange feeling. She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, even though she was all scrunched up and pissed off at being born. She certainly had Effie's scowl; he'd give her that. But she was tiny and beautiful with a button nose and pouty lips. There wasn't a second head or extra fingers or toes like he'd always envisioned in his nightmares about kids.

No. This little girl was his and she was the definition of perfection.

"You should hold her..." Effie said and turned slightly towards him so she could pass the baby to him. Wait what. He couldn't, he'd probably drop her or snap the little thing in two – and now Effie could see his hesitation. "Ransom, she won't break – she'll be fine."

"Yeah but what if she takes one look at me and cries?" he threw her a look.

She shook her head and placed the baby into his arms. "Well if I didn't look at you and cry when I first met you then your daughter won't." 

At first he was a little confused whether he was holding her right and couldn't relax, but then he began to a little more. He was surprised at just how light she was, and the added bonus was that she didn't scream. Instead she opened her eyes a little and looked at him. Ok, perhaps now she'd scream?

Nope. Nothing. Instead she just looked at him as he held her.

"See? Told you." Effie smirked

"We still going with the name we chose?" he asked, not taking his gaze from his daughter. Already it seemed like she had him wrapped around her little finger. Ransom had never allowed anyone that before, even Effie. But this little girl? Anything she wanted he'd give her.

"That depends on whether you still like it?"

There had been many disagreements on names, until finally they'd chosen one that they both seemed to like.


"It's a perfect fit." He finally said.

Just like Adeline herself was now a perfect fit into their family.

Effie looked at him as he continued to stare at their daughter, a small smile forming. She'd never seen or known this side to Ransom. Sure he'd softened with her, but with his child? It was something different. "You're already a man in love. Looks like I have some competition"

"What can I say? She's a gorgeous girl."

"I'll allow her to have my spot for number one girl." She smirked as he gave Adeline back to her, "After all, she's just too cute to say no to." And gently stroked their daughter's head.

Ransom watched them both. This was proof to everyone that they could do this. he wasn't about to indulge his parents with the news that their granddaughter had been born, nor would he do the same to Effie's. After what was said and had happened at the party, they could enquire about the baby in their own time if they cared enough about her. If he heard nothing then he knew where they stood. Right now though? he wanted himself and Effie to enjoy Adeline by themselves. 

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