Chapter 19 - Mistletoe and Wine

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They'd decided to give the middle finger to the rest of the family for Christmas and spend it on their own instead. The last thing Ransom wanted was a showdown between his wife and mother across the dinner table, and there was also the fact that he couldn't stand any of them.

Nope. It would just be him, Effie, and the Thrombey Cabin that was always nice this time of year. Tucked away in between woods and sitting by a lake. Plus they'd had snow, so that was a bonus. Ransom wasn't too keen on snow, but it was a hell of a lot better than scorching hot summers. He'd take Christmas there in complete isolation over anything else.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Effie had asked him as they'd arrived.

"Do you really want another dinner ruined by my mother? Or Walt...or any of them?"


"Then there's your answer." He said and got out of the car, getting the bags from the trunk.

Effie got out and looked at the cabin. It was huge, but then again it was built for the purpose of Thrombey family holidays. Not that it saw many of them these days. 

"Wow...this place is beautiful..." she commented as they walked into the living room. A big log fireplace being the main attraction. They'd had someone come in and decorate for the holiday season, so the tree was up along with stockings, lights, and wreaths. Despite being so big, the place was cosy, and would be more so when they got the fire going.

"You like it?" he asked.

She nodded. "I couldn't think of a better place to hideaway." And kissed him gently. "And there's enough room for us to have a little fun by the fire..." her look was suggestive.

He knew what was going to happen Christmas morning then. Unwrapping his wife by the fire seemed the perfect choice.

"Do you even know how to light it?" Effie asked, now inspecting the fireplace.

"I can light a fire Eff." He rolled his eyes. "And before you ask, no I won't burn the place down."

"I wasn't even going to ask that!"

"You were thinking it."

She didn't answer and headed over to the kitchen area. There was enough food that had been delivered earlier to last them for at least two weeks. Christmas dinner food included. They'd both come to the conclusion that they were going to tackle it together to show they weren't as incompetent as everyone made them out to be.

"Come on, I'll show you upstairs." He steered her to the stairs and showed her the bedroom

"Now this? It's like it's out of a film..." she walked to the window where outside it was flurrying with snow. Waking up to that would be just as romantic. "Can we just get in bed now?" A small pout formed on her lips.

Ransom smirked. "Later...I'll put some coffee on."

"I'll unpack."

She kissed him once more, resting her forehead gently against his. "I take it back; this actually is the best idea you've ever had."

"I'm full of 'em." With one last kiss he left her to unpack while he went to put some coffee on and light the fire.

He hadn't been at the cabin in a while. It was the only place he really enjoyed coming to when he was growing up. The only summer he'd enjoyed there immensely had been when he'd pushed Walt off the dock and into the lake. Of course Ransom had pleaded innocence all while secretly wondering whether he could get away with doing it twice.

But they needed this. He and Effie needed time away from meddling parents sticking their noses where they weren't wanted. It would certainly be a better Christmas for everyone. Ransom had noticed that over the last couple of weeks, she'd been a little calmer, less uptight than her usual stance. She seemed relaxed and he wondered whether he'd contributed to that. Not that he'd done anything different to what he usually did, but he had to admit that he actually liked seeing her smile.

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