Chapter 30 - Get Away With Murder

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Ransom kept Adeline close to him as he stared out of the window, the baby nuzzling him every so often as she wriggled around to get comfortable. She'd been restless on his return during the early hours. He'd had work to do – setting fire to the Medical Examiner's office for one. He'd also kept his appointment with Fran. She'd been taken care of; he'd left no trace of himself behind. He'd given her enough morphine to kill her within moments, burning the master toxicology report and sending the photocopy to Marta as well as an email for good measure. She'd discover that later on today when she'd retrieve her mail. 

For now though? He was satisfied.

"We're gonna give you a good life, it's what you deserve. Harlan was wrong to take it from you." He whispered to the baby, stroking her head, feeling her chest rise and fall peacefully. She was blissfully unaware of just what lengths he'd go to, to ensure that she was provided for.

He felt Effie's hands now slide around his waist from behind and glanced back. "When did you get back?" She asked.

"Just now, Adeline was restless though."

" did it go?"

"Whole thing lit up like a Christmas tree." He mused. "There won't be anything left. As for Fran? She's not bothering anyone anymore."

Effie sighed. "She shouldn't have got involved..." and kissed Adeline's head. "Want me to take her?"

He shook his head. "She's fine."

"I'll go and make us some coffee."

"The last part of the plan is almost complete...Marta's gonna be finding Fran later, right at the same time the cops will find her, the body and everything else that'll show she's guilty." He said, following her downstairs.

Effie began to make the coffee. "And then?"

"The will, will be given back to the family and shared out. Then we're gonna leave Boston, and have a nice life." He put his free arm around her. "Just imagine it Eff, no more seeing those miserable bastards at annual company parties, Thanksgiving with just the three of us, Christmas is coming up, Ade's first. We're gonna give her everything and more."

He'd give this kid the whole world if he could.  

Effie chuckled. "You are such a dreamer darling." And leant up, kissing him gently. "I can't wait."

"Just the three of us..." he repeated, savouring every moment of his wife's lips. 

Ransom's phone vibrated the next afternoon. "Dad." He said curtly, really not wanting to speak to his father. Mind you, he only ever called in times of crisis and this was probably one of those times. 

"Ransom...listen we've all been called to the house. The cops have arrested Marta and charged her for murder and the will's been given back to us to split..." Richard started. 

Ok. That was a lot to take in from just one sentence, but it was what he'd expected to hear anyway.

"So it was the nurse?" He smirked to himself, not letting on in his voice that he'd had anything to do with the matter. 

"Blanc noted that there was a spec of blood on her shoe when they arrested her this morning. – they've taken it in for analysis, but it seems like it could be a strong match to Harlan's. Now don't get me started on this next part - apparently Fran blackmailed her, so she killed her! She was found this morning! This whole thing is just nuts..." Richard sounded so surprised that it was almost laughable. "Poor Fran..."

Ransom raised his brow. The shoe had a spec of blood on? Wow. This had worked out better than he could have imagined. They had enough evidence to charge Marta for both Fran and Harlan's murder and perhaps even arson while they were at it, but what the hell, that didn't matter now.

"Thing is dad, Harlan cut me from the will, and you and mom pretty much said - forgetting that you have a granddaughter – that this was the best thing that could happen to me. So what happens now?" Ransom demanded. 

"Forget what we said. We wouldn't see Adeline go without, or you for that matter. You may be a little shit at the best of times, but if this shuts you up then we're more than prepared to give you your share."

"What time is it happening?"

"Around 2..."


"That mean you'll come?"

Ransom rolled his eyes. "I suppose I could swing by." 

Richard paused. "Ok then. Well, we'll see you later on." 

They ended the call and he smiled to himself. "Eff!" he called.

"Yeah?" she appeared as he beckoned her to him. "What is it?"

"It's done. Marta's been charged and we're getting our share." He hoisted her up onto the counter and kissed her hard.

She chuckled. "Calm down, you've literally just framed some poor girl for murder."

"I did it for us. And I'd do it again if it meant that Adeline is taken care of." He said, all the while trailing kisses down her neck. "You two are the only people I care about..."

" much as yourself." Effie smirked. "I'd like to say I've made you a better man, but after this I really don't think I have."

He looked at her, "We bring out the best and worst in each other, if that's even possible."

"I know, and I love it." She kissed him once more. "I love you. Plus we've made a very pretty baby..."

His look turned feral. "Wanna make another?"

"God yes." 

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