Chapter 8 - Sin for a Sin

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Two months had passed in not such marital bliss. It was pure hell if anything. There were always disagreements and arguments over the silliest of things in Ransom's view, and Effie was usually the one to start them. She'd always have the same pissed off look if she disapproved of something she didn't like, or to be precise, didn't like him doing.

Like the housekeeper...

Now in all fairness he was bored, and when he was bored he liked to entertain himself. That entertainment had always come in two forms. The country club, or girls. In this case it was the latter, and to be honest it was Effie's fault for hiring the very young and beautiful Stella.

It had started almost straight away, give or take a week and Stella? She was very much a girl who gave paid attention to detail, no matter how small...or big...

Ransom didn't care how or when his wife found out. She spent most of her time out spending money or seeing her friends who were probably just as spoilt and bitchy as she was. Sipping cocktails and gossiping or whatever the hell women did. He didn't question the amount of bags she returned with, after all it was daddy's money she was spending, and thankfully not his. Plus it usually meant that he'd get a few hours peace. 

It was easy.

Until she'd discovered them in bed together when she'd returned home early one afternoon. Then shit had really hit the fan. The bedroom door had been thrust open and Effie stood there glaring as both he and Stella quickly jumped and covered themselves up with the sheets. 

"OH WOW!" She half laughed in disbelief, but behind her eyes Ransom could see she was really to explode.


"Now this? This is exactly what I expected! But this soon? Really?"

Aaaaaaand there it was.

"Miss Effie..." Stella got up whilst Ransom voiced to her that it was a bad idea, but Effie was already striding across the bedroom, scooping up the clothes and storming out onto the balcony, throwing the garments over the side so they showered down onto the lawn below.

"Oops." Effie turned back and eyed them both. "You know, I hired you because I knew he'd do just this, and that you'd give exactly the same back." She glared at Stella, "I know how he works! It's always his pants that do the talking and it seems I was right!"

Ransom rolled his eyes as he watched the pair from the bed. This was already exhausting "Really Eff?"

"DON'T talk to me." She spun round and pointed a finger at him accusingly, "Screwing the help? That's a new low, and one I knew you'd stoop to."

Turning back to Stella her eyes narrowed. "Thanks so much for visiting Chez Drysdale, oh and if you hadn't already guessed? You're fired!" and now escorted her downstairs. "You can get your clothes from off the lawn, I'm sure that the sprinklers will get you wetter than my husband could!" and then she slammed the door on the newly ex housekeepers face.

By now, Ransom was at the top of the stairs. "Are you serious?" he could really do without this today, but it seemed his wife had other ideas. 

Effie looked up at him. "From now on? No shagging the housekeeper."

"You don't get to say what I can do." he argued back at her. 

"Oh believe me I can! I'm your wife."

"You're a pain in the ass."

She took a golf club from his bag that was in the hallway, "Say that again?"

He snorted, "You heard."

"If you want pain in the ass...I'll give you pain in the ass..." and she pulled the front door open.

"What the hell are you doing?" he quickly jogged down the stairs and out onto the porch. "No way, don't you even think about it!" he fumed, seeing her intently walking to the Beamer that was parked at the end of the path. "Don't you dare...."

She wouldn't. She was bluffing...

"Oh? Well you should've thought about that before screwing Stella." She smiled innocently and then swung the golf club at one of the headlights, glass now smashing and shattering to the floor. 

Now he was pissed. "Did you just seriously smash my car!" 

"Oh no!" her hand flew mockingly to her mouth as she looked at him, then shrugging her actions off as though they were justified. Not to him they weren't.  "Anyway.."

He was now heading down the path, "Touch my car again and..." however the golf club was then taken to the next headlight as she rounded the front of the car to assault the other side. "What the fuck!"

"You don't call the shots Ransom!" she yelled and raised the club over the hood of the car in preparation to bring it crashing down. "I's a nice car...but I can always make some 'improvements'."

"That's your idea of improvement!"

She laughed. "I mean, I can do a hell of a lot worse, but this is a warning! I don't answer to you in any shape or form. You screw the housekeeper then you or this heap of junk pays dearly!"

"You're mad..."

Effie pouted. "I'm worse than mad." Lowering the club and thankfully not smashing it into the hood, she headed back up the path satisfied she'd done enough damage for now. "Piss me off? There's more where that came from, and next time I might get a bit more creative as to where I decide to stick this golf club." Walking back indoors the front door slammed behind her,  thus locking him out in just his underwear.

"EFFIE!" he yelled angrily and began to walk back up the path. "I swear if you don't let me in right now..."

The sprinkler system suddenly came to life and soaked him to the bone, his darling wife now watching amused from the balcony where she had control of it from her phone. "Oh dear, now that is very unfortunate." Her eyes bore into his, her demeanour now calm and collected.

She'd won this time, but this would be the only time that she would.

This was his house regardless of whether they were married or not. His house, His rules and she needed to play by them or else. 

"Okay, Okay! Fine! I get it! No screwing the housekeeper and whatever, now just let me in!" he could get his kicks elsewhere and out of the house anyway.

I'm so glad we see eye to eye darling." Effie called down sweetly and then disappeared, opening the front door moments later.

He walked in and then pushed her firmly against the wall. "We will never see eye to eye,  and there will be a day where I'll put you right in your place, you vicious little bitch."

"Let go of me!" she hissed.

He dropped the hold he had on her, and she rubbed her arms, Ransom's face was filled with a look of pure daggers as he headed off upstairs to dry himself off. He'd made his point. If Effie thought she had control over him, then she was very much mistaken. 

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