I Choose Myself (11-10-21)

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Song: Oscar Lang: You

I met a lot of people I used to love when I was willing to love,
I was so desperately eager to care for people

I'd scroll through social media seeing people with these dream lives,
I wanted one too and was determined to make one

Little did I know mine would soon fall apart,
just like the ones online

It was never meant to be,
it was all for show

Cause sure I loved them,
but it was only to entertain the idea of being loved

I convinced myself they did,
but I was only to be kept around when everyone left

Like an embarrassment,
a secret

Suddenly I felt funny,
how could I have not known?

Because I didn't know myself,
I was only entertaining ideas so my head would leave me alone

My subconscious knew they'd leave,
it knew they didn't love me

It was my heart that didn't,
that's what scares me the most

Had I known,
would I have dropped them?

A question that still lingers in my head,
a secret I'll never know

All I know now is I choose myself,
I have myself till the end

I found myself at my lowest,
I lost my hobbies

I distanced from the good,
went head first into the bad

It all hit me like concrete,
a little of me leaked onto the floor

A part of me I won't get back,
for the greater good

Reality Hits🍂🤎 Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now