Death (3-27-22)

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Death can be one of the simplest yet hardest things to explain
As it's really just someone who's not here anymore
They're not taking a long vacation, no
It can be something good and something bad
Left a mystery to all
It can be a tragedy, but never lovely
Most people overthink it all
The void of a person who's gone
Can only be filled by irregular things
Repeating the memories involving them
Missing how they used to be
Mesmerized by their aura
So unique, so sad
Because you know you'll never feel that way again
Trying to figure out where it all went wrong
Anger takes a form in you because someone has to be blamed
Blaming God or any spiritual figure you believe in for taking them so soon
Soon you'll forget they ever existed and that's scary as hell
Hell a place they can be rotting in because they wouldn't really pray
Praying for them to be in heaven looking down at you
Your very own angel
An angel who's laugh was so goddamn contagious
How your illness was so contagious yet I thought you could beat it
Little did we know it'd take you when we'd least expect it
I miss how people talk about you
I never got to know that version of you
Death is someone who's not here anymore
But you were barely here before because of me
Like a domino effect I ruined your life
Maybe if I wasn't a kid I'd make better decisions
The one thing I yearn for besides your existence is courage
Maybe if I had the courage to say the truth, maybe you'd still be here
I'd be living a completely different life but with you
That would've been worth it
No matter how bad a different universe is,
if it has you in it, it can't be that bad
You made the best out of every place you've touched
You've touched me in ways my soul misses
Missing all these events because I choose to lay in bed and think of what I could've done different
I'm different then all these kids my age because I got to experience a life with you
You were a simple being but our existing together would always crash
Like two magnets that can never touch
We would slide anywhere that wasn't near each other
But when we were together, we clicked
I feel stupid talking about this because it's inevitable
Anything could've changed me
But it had to be this
Happy 10 year anniversary
Sorry I've changed out of the girl I used to be

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