Loving Yourself (10/28/22)

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How to start loving yourself,
a question I've finally figured out

It isn't a list of things to get done,
or even a self care routine

It's being unapologetically you,
no walls no nothing

Being you is how you do it,
you got dishes in the sink and your rooms a mess

So what?
Everyone does

It's things like these that make us human,
we wouldn't be if we didn't take a break

Would we even be ourselves without our mistakes?
If you were your dream person right now, would you make mistakes?

These are things we never think of,
and it's why we're all a mess

We're not robots programmed to live a 9-5 life,
we're humans

We view sunsets in joy
and spill tears over things we care too much about

We're supposed to love ourselves,
mistakes and all

I'm still learning,
but I'm going to get there

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