Nostalgia In My Bedroom (11-6-21)

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Song: Beach Bunny - Prom Queen

I just want to be open to things changing,
it's crazy how things can change so fast

One second your praying you save enough money for a hoodie you've been wanting for years,
next you'll be wearing it sleep like it's nothing

I have all these things I want,
I'm so proud of it but something's off

I look around,
this is my room

It's seen me grow,
it's seen me blossom into who I am today

All the memories surround me,
the good and bad

I can't ever imagine leaving,
but one day I know I'll have to

I'm scared,
it's why I keep so many memories in my closet

One day when I'm so far away,
I'll have a little piece of home

Until then I'm stuck with all these things,
nostalgia in my bedroom

Ready to escape,
yet the butterflies in my stomach make me feel something else

I know though,
I need to keep making memories for future me

She needs to know I'll make it,
one day she'll know all of it was worth it

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