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Elizabeth's POV

I was sitting on a red velvet couch nervously and waiting while looking at the pure white marble, thinking how many days, no, how many months have been since I have been in this lounge. Since every time I came to work, I would always go straight to my assigned work and went home immediately not facing Sebastian.

Then a pair of purple slippers appeared and my eyes went upward instantly.
"Thank you for coming dear. I know it was a short notice calling you to come here." Mrs Black said with a faint smile.

"No no Mommy. It's okay. You told me there's something important you have to tell me. What is it?" I asked Mrs Black while fidgetting with my sweaty fingers. I was really nervous for some reason and every word that came out of her mouth made my heart hammer loudly.

Mrs Linda sat next to me and took my hands in hers. Now that I was near her I was able to grasp her figure distinctively. Her appearance has changed enormously. Her onced big almond shaped eyes filled with hope have reduced to a pair of weak droopy eyes with the light that once shone has dimmed off with the huge dark circles under her eyes. Her hands had turned skinny losing her strength and her fingers had turned bony.

Noticing that I was starring at her way too long, I looked around and found that the house was weirdly quiet, with no burtlers around.
"Umm..Where are everyone?" I asked Mrs Black to break the silence.

Mrs Black chuckled "No need to be afraid my dear. I asked everyone to leave and as for Sebby, he went out. I took this opportunity to have a word alone with you."

"I need to thank you Eliz. For making my Sebby understanding the meaning of love." The fragile woman said squeezing my hands even though she has no strength and trembling like a leaf.

"I am sorry but, I don't understand." I asked her puzzled as I did not do much in making Sebastian understanding the feeling of love.

"Ever since your bodies has returned back to normal, my Sebby has been spending time with me at home." She chuckled then added. "Now I can call this a home." She looked at the ceiling and a drop of tear escaped from the pool of salt water in her eyes.

"Oh I am sorry. It's just that I am being a lot emotional lately." Mrs Black wiped those salty droplets with the back of her hands.

I was sitting facing her and my ears were alert to hear her words.
"My Sebby has changed a lot. He is now being expressive and he sticks with me a lot. He worries about me. He makes time for me. He even cooks for me. The way he looks at me is gentle. His words are no longer daggers. I am grateful to you Eliz. I am happy that I am getting to spend my last moments with my son." These last words hit me like bricks on my head.

"L-last m-moments? W-what do you mean by t-that?" I looked at her with my eyes open wide. I did not know how to react.

Mrs Black smiled faintly and said.
"I am going to die."

I felt my heart dropped. With my mind filled with confusion I asked her.
"W-what do you m-mean M-mommy?"

"I am suffering from blood cancer. The other day when I fainted, it was because of it." She explained taking her time.

"B-but that day, the doctor said you had-" Mrs Black cut me off. "That was a lie. I told the doctor to not tell anyone about it since I knew I had that mortal disease. And when she saw you, when you were in Sebby's body, she lied."
Mrs Black continued with her explanation while stroking my hands with her bony ones.

"I like that I get to spend some precious moments with Sebby. You know, he brought me to a park where the air was so refreshing and calm and he even cooked! Can you imagine Eliz? Sebby cooked for me! He made pancakes and even pasta! There were times when he would just sit with me and have a talk! My Sebby really has changed. Now I can talk freely about anything with him-" Mrs Black's eyes were shining like diamonds when all of a sudden we heard Sebastian's voice.

"Then why didn't you tell me about your illness?" Sebastian asked trembling. He walked to where Mrs Black and I were sitting, taking every single step slowly as if the floor would break.

"Se-" Sebastian's mother was about to say something but her son cut her off.

"If you could talk to me about anything, then why? Why didn't you tell me about your illness mom?" Sebastian questioned with a cracked voice.

"I am sorry Sebby. I am really sorry." Mrs Black appologised with tears dropping of her eyes.

"I- I need some space. I'll be in my room." Sebastian stormed towards his room and closed the door.

"Well I don't blame him for reacting like this. I knew he would be furious." Mrs Black smiled while the tears were still falling.

At that moment, I did not know what to say. The only thing that I could do was to hug this frail woman in front of me.

I envelopped my arms around her and felt warm tears falling on my shoulder.
"I've broken his heart even more Eliz." Mrs Black muttered.

"No Mommy. You didn't. Everything is going to be fine. Sebastian is just going through a huge shock. He will be fine." I tried to coax her.

We pulled away from the hug and I wiped her tears. Mrs Black was coughing a lot, thus, I told her to get some rest. I took her to her bedroom and made her lie down properly.

"Get some good rest Mommy. And don't worry, everything will be okay." I smiled at her.

"Eliz, can you do me a favour my dear?" Mrs Black asked in a very low voice tone.

"Yes Mommy. What is it?" I asked her puzzled.

"Can you please talk a bit with Sebby? I would talk to him but, I guess I am the last person he wants to see right now. I know he is going through a lot right now and he needs someone." Mrs Black flashed a faint smile at me.

"Okay Mommy, I'll do that before going home." I smiled back at her and added.
"Rest well, Mommy."

I left Mrs Black's room and closed the door quietly. Then, I made my way to Sebastian's room.

My mind was still full, I did not know what to tell him, how to coax him? I kept on thinking while walking.

Before I knew it, I was in front of Sebastian's room.
My right arm felt heavy as I lifted it to knock at the door.

Helloooo everyone! As promised I am updating 1 chapter per day!❤🙏 I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter and if you liked it, then don't forget to hit that starr!!!🤗❤ see you guys tomorrow!😘

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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