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Elizabeth's POV
I clutched the paper bag in which there was donuts in my arms tightly. The cold breeze washed through my loose hair. I took a deep breath and let the cold air fill my lungs.

I smiled to myself and looked up in the starry sky. Damn this is soo amazing...

While I was making my way back to my apartment I felt myself losing to memories. The time when Sebastian and I were still in each other's bodies and he was in a really tight pinch and had to call me and ask for advice. I laughed to myself while those memories reeled back in my mind.


I was having the best dream ever. I was wearing a cute Sponge Bob pjs and I was watching my favourite Vampire Diaries series. And what made it the best was that I was in my original body.

But then my precious dream was broken with a phone call. And who was it? Sebastian.

I rolled my eyes and answered it groggily.

"What?" I asked him irritated. He did not even spare me dreaming of going back to my body.

"E-Elizabeth! I don't know what to do! T-There is this here and all over the sheets! I don't know what to do! Oh my God! The blood! On the sheets!" Sebastian was freaking out too much.

And that time the way he said the words 'blood on the sheets' only one thing came to my mind...HE DID NOT SWIPED MY V-CARD, DID HE??

"Don't tell me you freaking broke my virginity?!" I immediately sat up straight with my hair still a mess.

"What? No! What I mean is that I think I am on my fucking period! And there is blood everywhere! And the cramps are not getting even subsiding! I don't know what to do. I can't just go and tell Josh about it cause he is not at home. Now I only have you who can help me." I could feel the pain Sebastian felt when he was talking but well...this is only the beginning boy. You have a veryy long way to go.

"Okay okay I understand now. It is just the way you told me. You just said blood on the sheets! Could you not say that you are menstruating or anything?? You freaked me out! But anyway, listen carefully. Go to the bathroom, you will see a white drawer on the left. Open it you will see packs of sanitary pads, you take one and wear it in the meantime. I am coming." I ended the phone call and grabbed my stomach and laughed so hard. The GREAT Sebastian was freaking out because of menstruation.

I got up and did my business then immediately headed to Sebastian, I mean my apartment.

When I went there and rang the doorbell, he did not even lose one second to open the door. I looked at him with wide eyes. I really could not believe my eyes.

My body. My precious body. What the hell he did to it??!!!

I was on the brim to just murder him. I closed my eyes and took a long deep breath.

"What did you do to my body?!" I asked him pointing at him. My hair was in a GREAT mess, tissue paper was ALL OVER MY BODY. He almost wrapped my body like mummy! And horror of all was that he had sanitary pads stuck ON MY HAIR. IT WAS DEFINITELY A SIGN OR HORROR!

"What? I am struggling with this pain here and you are asking me this?? Come in and help me here!" He pulled me by the arm forcefully and closed the door immediately.

I closed my eyes trying to calm my anger but my left eyebrow twitched once, twice. I COULD NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE!


"I am sorry. I didn't know what to do and how to do certain things. You told me to wear a sanitary pad but I don't know how to wear it! And it got stuck on my hair...somehow" Sebastian explained trying to take the pad off of the hair.

I took a deep breath and told him to come with me and he followed me obediently. We went directly to the bathroom.

When we got there, I made him stood in front of me and took the pad off of my hair and the tissue paper as well.

Then I prepared a nice warm bath for him and told him to go and soak himself in the bathtub.

"Relax yourself. This bath will make you feel better. Just wrap yourself with that towel when you are done. I will explain you how to put on pads when you are done. " I told him and closed the door.

When I went to my room, I took out a pair of comfy pyjamas and some essential stuffs.

Then I went to the kitchen and prepared a nice hot chocolate and all this time I reminded myself that all the things that I did was for myself and not for him.

I was drowned in my thoughts when I being pulled out from them by Sebastian's scream. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED NOWWW???!! I ONLY LEFT HIM FOR LIKE 15 MINUTES!

I rushed to the bathroom and barged in. I found him in the bathtub and smiling nervously at me.

"What happened?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to scream. It's just that I closed my eyes for some time and when I opened them, I saw blood in the bathtub. I mean I kind of forgot that I am in that situation now..." He scratched the back of his head nervously.

I looked at him and shook my head in disbelief and went out of the bathroom then closed the door.

I got back to the kitchen and continue the hot chocolate I was preparing and after some few minutes later I heard Sebastian calling my name.

I arranged everything in the kitchen and went to my room.

Sebastian had the towel wrapped around his body. I walked in and started with my instructions and GOD! WAS IT DIFFICULT!

I had to explain him everything for like FIVE TIMES till he understood completely.

"Wow. You girls go through this every month... you girls are really strong." He said while smiling faintly.

"What happened? Why are you smiling like a creep?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Shut up." He rolled his eyes and then he said, almost like a whisper.

"Thank you."

"What? I didn't get it." I asked him trying to tease him a little.

"Well, I didn't throw anything either." He smirked at me. That bastard...

"I will just let this pass blaming it on the mood swings." I went to the kitchen and heard footsteps behind me.


That smile which was drawn to my lips kept on shining. I couldn't suppress it. That was a good moment. Even though we fought, teased each other. I liked those moments I spent with him.

Hi guys! I know. I know, I haven't uploaded a looong time since the last time. But I'll do my best in completing this story! Stay tuned for more! And if you like this story, don't forget to hit that star and comment your thoughts! See you all in next chapter!😘

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