Where are you...

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Sebastian's POV ahead! Hope you enjoy it!

Sebastian's POV.
Where are you, my Queen? Where?
I again questioned while looking at the photograph in my hand. It was taken when I was six. I had my arms crossed over my chest and my Queen pulled my cheeks to make me smile. She so wanted me to smile in a photograph taken with her. My Queen...my Elizabeth...

She had the biggest smile ever that day. She was so eager to take a photo with me that she changed her dress from time to time and asked me which one suited her the most. Of course, the one which suited her the most was the floral one. She was cute with her two piggy tails and with her eyes glittering with excitement.

She was the only one with whom I was comfortable to talk since I was the always the silent kid like they say. I would sit alone and admired my surroundings but never approached people.

One day when I was walking in a nearby park, I accidentally stepped into a puppy's tail. I did not do it on purpose. It was just that I did not look where I stepped my foot.

The puppy moaned in pain and I immediately removed my foot from its tail. Just then I saw someone came running fiercely towards me.

"What did you do?" A cute little girl asked with a frown. I still remembered she was wearing a blue dress. She pointed at me furiously.

"Wha-...I...-umm...-I accidentally stepped on its tail." I said nervously under her furious gaze.

"What?!" She shouted in horror like she had seen a ghost with her doe-like eyes opened wide.

"Appologise." She said sternly with a serious tone with her arms crossed.

"Sorry?" I asked her as I thought I did not hear her word well.

"Not to me you idiot! Appologise to the puppy!" She then pointed to the puppy on the ground.

"What?" Then it was my time to get hit by a wave of shock.

"A-p-p-o-l-o-g-i-s-e." She pronounced the word taking her sweet time but the way she said it was ten times even more bitter.

"Sorry." I said looking at the puppy.

"That's all?" She asked cocking an eyebrow.

"What do you want?" I asked her irritatedly.

"You should be gentle and appologise with your heart. And it did not seem like you are sorry!" It was like she had taken an oath to make me appologise to a puppy.

I sighed and knelt in front of the puppy and muttered.
"I am sorry puppy that I stepped on your tail. I did not know that you were here. I am so sorry." The instant I said those words, the puppy licked my hand and barked.

I smiled at the puppy unconsciously and caressed the puppy.

"That was good." She was still standing there in front of me but this time she did not have a furious expression but a cute cheerful one.

"Oh by the way, I am Elizabeth." She held out her small hand.

"Sebastian." I said and brought my hand up and shook her hand.

"Sebastian? Oh then I will call you Sebbie!" She smiled at me.

Knock! Knock!
Just then knocks interrupted my thoughts. I took a last look at the photograph and placed it in my drawer.

When I was done, I opened the door to see who was disturbing me and I only see that butler. I said nothing and waited for him to talk.

"Uhh....-umm...-Here is your food, Sir." That butler handed me a platter. To be honest I was comfortable if my Mother hired butlers instead of maids when she learnt about what the maids were doing behind her back.

I did not say anything. Moreover, this butler seemed to mind his own business so, he did not cause any problems for me. But there was something strange with this butler, well except for his weird name. He had traces of a female body. But I always brushed this thought away. Maybe I did not have someone to warm my bed lately, that was why I was seeing ridiculous things.

I took the plater from that Elfan and closed the door. I was not in the slightest mood of eating that time.

I just placed the plater on my study table.

I hopped on the bed with my gaze on the ceiling blankly.

Buzz! Buzz!
What the hell now?!
I switched on my mobile to see a text of Tina. That girl was stuck with me. Every-damn-where I went, she was always there with her arms stuck to me.

I did not replied her. I just tossed my mobile on the bed.

Knock! Knock!
Everybody does have a great problem in interrupting my thoughts!

Sighing deeply, I opened the door to only see a woman.
"Hey Sebastian." The woman hugged me but I did not know her. She parted from me then looked at me from head to toe.

"Sorry. Not in the mood." I just told her blankly and was about to close the door when she said.

"What? Ha-ha-ha-ha! Mood? Ha-ha-ha-ha!" The woman clutched her stomach and laughed hard.

I threw her a boring look then her laugh died.

"I know that I am a sexy woman but sorry dear, I have my man." She placed her hands on her hips.

"I think you have forgotten about me? I am Sarah." She smiled at me.

"W-What? S-Sarah? Q-Queen's Au-" I was about to finish this sentence when she cut me.

"I dare you say that word." She threw a very furious look at me.
Oh yes! She does not like it when she is being called Aunt!

"Where is my Queen? Do you know? I want to meet her!" I could not control my mixed feelings.

"I will tell you all about that. But first, won't you let me in?" She asked me pointing in my room.

"Oh yes, please." I allowed her in my room.

"So where is my Queen?" I asked impatiently.

"You will find her soon. She has always been with you Sebastian." Sarah said softly.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I am sorry, Sebastian. But I need to do this." With that Sarah approached to me. I stepped back.

"What are you doing, Sarah?" I asked her.

She did not utter a word. She just took out something in her purse. Then her face became serious.

Sarah brought what it seemed to me a needle-like device to my neck.
"S-Sarah?" I called out her name but no response.

"Sorry." She muttered then I felt a stinging sensation engulfed my neck. The pain was not that terrifying but I could sense that something was being extracted from me and I felt weak.

The only thing that came to my mind was my little Queen's bright smile.
Where are you.....

With that I felt my head becoming heavy and my eyes gradually closed.

Hey everybody! Chapter 5 UPDATED! Yes I know that I have not been updating lately. I am sorry! Oh and I will be updating quite often.
Okay enough with this and tell me what do you think of Sarah? Or of our Prince Seabastian? Drop down your thoughts and hit that star! Love ya! Bye.❤

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