Crowded Mind

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Elizabeth's POV.
Am I out of my mind?! Why did I do this?! I even swore to never remember those buried memories...

I laid on the bed and stared at the pure white ceiling. Feeling bored with this colour, I closed my eyes to drown my iries into the dark colour of darkness. But....

"Why?! Why are you doing this Sebby?! You are my friend, aren't you? You promised me you'll always be my friend and never leave me!" I cried hard. Hot streams of tears ran down my cheeks. I felt a huge lump stuck in my throat.

"What? You thought that I'll be with you forever? Come on! How can you be so childish!" He stated ever so heartlessly.

There we stood at our usual spot but the way we were behaving was not parallel to that it used to be.

"B-But Sebby-" I was about to say something but he cut me off.

"Don't ever call me that!" His voice roared making me flinch.

"I-...I am sorry Sebastian." I hung my head low trying to hide my tears.

"Don't come into my life!" He said in a very cold voice...colder than the wind...then he turned his back away from me and left...

He left me in the cold, dark place. He left me alone...

I cried. I cried hard, bitterly tasting the saltiness of my tears in which I did not know held pain. I tasted it...pain...

My eyes suddenly flew opened and breath hitched. My chest heaved heavily.

I got up from the bed and noticed the wetness of my cheeks.
This can't be happening! Why am I clinging to this....pain?

Wiping off the tears, I made my way to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water to wet my dry throat.

"Sebastian?" I heard Mrs Black's voice behind me.

"Y-Yes Mom." I replied smiling.

"What are doing this late?" She asked making her way standing beside me.

"Oh...umm-..well I am thirsty." I said opening the tap and filling the glass.

"I know who you are." That cause me to whip my head quickly to her direction.

"Pardon?" I asked her horrified.

"I know you are not my son." She smiled weakly.

"No no. Don't get me wrong. I am not mad at you." Her hand touched my arm.

"Why don't we have a little talk?" Mrs Black asked.

"Y-Yes." I replied with sweat beads forming on my forhead.

"Oh drink your water then come to the study. Take your time dear." Even though she spoke in a gentle voice I still panicked.

"Yes." That was the only word that successfully came out of my mouth.

She left and I chug in the water while squinting my eyes. OH My GOD! What will happen now?!

When I was done drinking water, I placed the glass in the sink and made my way to the study.

My heart was hammering wondering what was to happen.
Will she call the police?! No! I don't want that! I still have my whole life to live! I did not even lost my first kiss yet!

Finally I arrived at the study. The door was closed which made my heart pounder even more.

Taking a very deep breath, I knocked on the door.
"Yes dear. Please enter."

I pushed open the door and saw Mrs Black sitting on a couch.

She smiled warmly at me. I returned her the same smile while entering the study.

"Please take a seat." She gestured to the empty couch.

I nodded and sat with my heart filled with nervousness.

"Don't be scared. I won't tell anyone Eliz." She said with a soothing tone.

My eyes went wide at her.
"H-How did you know I am Eliz?" I asked her petrified.

"I knew on the very first day as my son would never be that gentle with me. At first I started to think that maybe he changed but then I noticed the differences. First of all he adores black coffee without sugar and when I see you drinking at beverage you always make a disgust facial expression. And not only that I noticed the way you talk and behave. Then Sarah called me and confirmed that I was right. You were indeed Eliz. Sarah explained me everything. I am not complaining though. We used to live in the same neighbourhood Eliz. I've known you since you were born. So I also know that you are that Butler who works for Sebastian." She explained me.

"I am sorry." I felt guilty for lying to her. She was like another mother to me when we used to live in the same street. I always spent my day there playing with Sebastian. I smiled weakly remembering the memories.

"No. Please don't. I am sorry." She held my hand.

"I don't understand what you mean Mrs Black." I said. Why was she appologising?

"Eliz call me how you used to call me dear. I am still the same despite I've remarried." She laughed.

"Yes Mommy." Yes. I used to call her Mommy. Why? She was always there for me. She was like a replacement whenever my parents were busy for work. She never denied taking care of me.

"I am sorry for separating you from your Sebby, Eliz. I know how close you two were. I am sorry." Her voice held regret.

"It is okay Mommy. I understand you. Besides, Sebastian was cold to me so I don't mind it. I was actually happy that you left because then I would not get into Sebastian's life. Like he said." My eyes screamed to cry but I held the tears in.

"No Eliz. You are wrong. Sebastian actually cares for you. He got mad when I told him we were leaving. Even till now, he doesn't talk to me like he used to. He does not even talk to his stepfather. Even though he cares for Sebastian. I am to be blamed Eliz." Mommy's eyes were filled with tears.

"Sorry I got carried away." She laughed nervously and wiped the tears with the back of her hand.

"Don't leave my son, Eliz. He needs you." He voice switched to whisper.

"I-..I'll try." I could not promise her. I could not.

Then when our conversation died, we both went to our own rooms. But then she said.
"Eliz don't worry I'll not tell anyone about this." She smiled at me and said goodnight.

Even though she said goodnight. I hardly was able to have a good night. Thoughts and memories kept swimming on my mind. And the same thing kept repeating.

Sebastian actually cares for you...

Heyy guys! Just as promised yesterday, I updated today! Well I will not be able to update the following days so I am sorry! I will get caught up with things regarding my cousin's wedding...

Anyway, what do you think of this chapter? Comment down you thought and hit that star before you leave! Love ya! Bye!❤

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