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Heyy guys! New update! And NEW BOOK COVER!👆

Elizabeth's POV.
I felt my head pounding real hard. I touched my forehead and groaned. Shit! This headache is killing me!

I opened my eyes and was met by a pair of big brown iries staring back at me.
"Holy shit! J! Seriously?! You scared the hell out of me!" I shouted at him and groaned with the pain. But he didn't respond instead he was munching an apple.

"Yup she's fine." J told Sarah still munching the apple.

Wait...the Pig and I were here to change back to our bodies...

My eyes grew big as saucers.
"S-Sebastian?! Where is he?" I looked beside me and there was no one. I was sure he was sitting next to me.

"After regained consciousness he went back home." Sarah said handing me a glass of water. I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

"Here drink this." Taking the glass, I gulped down the water.

"But Eliz, you were supposed to gain consciousness after six hours and you took eight hours! Is your body okay? You feeling okay?" J asked me taking the glass from my hands.

"Sorry I made you worry. Yeah, I am feeling okay just a little headache." I told them with a faint smile.

"Rabbit, you don't look like you are happy after gaining your body." Sarah noticed.

"No I am happy. I am definitely happy!" I faked a huge smile.

Ring! Ring! Ring!
"Oh! Here we go again! For the tenth time! Freaking tenth time he is calling!" J pointed at his phone.

"Who?" I asked puzzled.

"It's Sebastian. He is really worried. Like really freaking worried. Because you didn't get consciousness right after he woke up. And you slept for straight two hours instead of waking up. He really is a worrywart." J shook his head and sighed. Then his eye grew big and a smirk made it's way to his lips. I lifted an eyebrow at him. He mouthed 'Wait'.

J picked up the call and put it on loudspeaker.
"Joshua you bastard! Now you pick up the phone?! Couldn't you pick it up earlier?! How is My Queen? Where is she? Is she okay? What is she doing?" The Pig shouted and bombarded J with questions.

"Woah woah wait there Sebastian! You are asking too much questions at the same time. Eliz is okay. She has just gained consciousness and she-" J could not even finished his phrase and the Pig jumped in.

"WHAT?! She regained consciousness and you didn't even tell me?!" The Pig kept on shouting and J simply rolled his eyes.

"You see I don't want you to freak out but you are on loudspeaker right now. And everyone is listening to what you are saying. EVERYONE." J told the Pig while smirking at me.

"W-Wha-What? I-..I...If you are listening My Queen. I just want to tell you that I am sorry. I am really sorry if I hurt you in any way. I don't know whether I did something that hurt you but I am sorry. I want you to talk to me." His voice was trembling. I felt a sharp pain in my heart and a tear escaped my stinging eyes.

I wiped it off and went to my room. I can't take it anymore. This painful feeling...

"Rabbit?" Sarah knocked on my door and I looked up with teary eyes.

"Shussh...It's going to be okay." She caressed my hair.

"I want to see him, to talk to him. But still I have to give him space. For him to think about what he has done up till now was wrong. And this made his family suffer..." My voice trembled even more. I felt my eyes stung and warm tears washed over my cheeks.

"I understand Rabbit...Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Don't cry. Okay? Cause you are a strong girl! You are my strong Rabbit..." Sarah gave me a warm hug. A hug I was yearning for me to be able to let out my sorrows and problems.

"Heyyy Eliz! Don't cry. Come on! Let's go! Let's have a delicious meal at the new restaurant down the street. I have heard their food is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G and today is my treat! Let's gooo!!!" J came bursting into my room and started rummaging through my clothes.

"Here! Change into this! Wipe your tears properly and comb your hair. I don't want suspicious stares at me when people see you like this." J stated while holding my comb in his hand.

I laughed and nodded my head.
"Now get out so that I can get ready."

"I don't have to worry when you have a great friend like him. I really appreciate it that you are there for my Rabbit, Joshua. Well, you are a fine guy but if you were a little older I would not mind-" Before Sarah continued her sentence, I cut her off.

"Sarah allow me to remind you that you already have a boyfriend and you will soon get married." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah spoilt the mood Rabbit. Well, anyway you guys go have fun but when you return you get me three donuts! Okay?" She puts up a peace sign with her two fingers and left the room.

"Yeah...okay....haaaaah." I said then sighed.

"Woah! That's really a heavy sigh! Now come on! Change you clothes and fix yourself up! I am waiting for you downstairs, okay? And I am giving yoy only two minutes to dress up." J said with his hands on his hips then left the room and closed the door.

I shook my head and took a deep breath.
Okay Elizabeth! You can do this! Just remember...everything happens for a reason...

I know, I know, I am updating once in a blue moon and I am terribly sorry for that guys..🙊
But anyway here is the 26th chapter of 'Switching To Royalty'. Hope you liked and enjoyed it! And yes! Don't forget to hit that star for our Queen!

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