Amazing Creatures

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Elizabeth's POV.
Luckily I managed to finish my work a bit earlier than usual the day when Sarah was coming to my place after so long. It has been 10 years since I last saw her. She had to go to various places for research for a very unique experiment. And now it seemed that she finally completed her experiment. It must have been tough work on an experiment for 10 years. Hope her hard work pays off.....

We always communicated through phone during those years. Sarah was the only one with whom I would have the girl talk and she was always there to lend an ear to me.

She was my mother's sister and she was youngest of the four sisters. Sarah was in her 30s that was why she did not like it when she is being called Aunt. She said that she was still too young to be called like that.

Out of all my three Aunts, I preferred Sarah the most. She was the only one who would understand me.

I wonder how is she like now though...after 10 years....did she grow grey hair?

Ring! Ring! Ring!
I was brought out of my thoughts by the doorbell.

I got up from the comfortable couch and went the to door. I opened the door and was met by a bear hug.

"Rabbit!" Sarah had engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Sarah!" I exclaimed as we parted.

"Girl! Look at you! So grown up!" Sarah stepped behind to have a good look at me.

"Sarah you too! Your hair!" I noticed her once bob style short hair was now long in a high pony tail. Plus her figure was slender and more matured unlike before.

"Oh yes my hair! I did not get time for a haircut once I started this experiment." She explained while I was helping her carry her luggage.

"Woah! Great house!" Sarah exclaimed looking everywhere in awe.

"Well thank you Sarah." I said breathing hard due to bringing the luggage inside.

"By the way Sarah, what did you put in that?" I pointed towards her luggage.

"All my experiment stuffs." Sarah shrugged like it was nothing.

"Ahh I am so tired and hungry!" Sarah said plopping in the couch followed by me.

"Want some pizza?" I asked.

"That would be good." Sarah said massaging her forehead.

"Okay then I'll order the pizza." I picked up the phone and ordered a chicken pizza with cheese on top.

"We will get it in about 20 minutes."

"I am going for a shower in the meantime then." Sarah got up and went in the room adjacent to mine.

Meanwhile, I rummaged in my refrigerator for some canned Sprites. I have always this habit of buying canned beverages. And now it came in handy.

I got two cans of Sprites out and placed them on the counter.

Just then I heard the doorbell went off. I hurried to the door knowing it would definitely be the pizza deliver.

I opened the door and a very cute guy was the one who delivered the pizza. He was smiling tightly while handing the pizza box.

"Hello cute boy." Sarah was behind me with a towel wrapped around her body. She waved at the boy.

"T-Thank you! Bye!" I said hurriedly and paid him then closed the door.

"Sarah! How the hell are you here? I mean you were in the bathroom, right? And on top of that you are in a towel!" I said placing the pizza box on the counter.

"Oh come on, rabbit! I have heard that cute guys are working as delivery guys recently so when the bell rang, I was curious to know whether delivery guys are cute or not." She said like it was a matter of fact.

I sighed deeply shaking my head low.
"And from my point of view, that guy was cute." She tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"Yeah put on some clothes so that we can dig in the pizza!" I pointed at the pizza box.

"Pizza!" Sarah exclaimed and went in her room. I really doubt whether that woman is really my Aunt....

I placed the pizza box and the two cans of Sprite on the coffee table in the living room.

"I am here!" Sarah said and plopped on the couch next to me.

"Let's start!" Sarah took one slice and munched.

I took one too and ate. It was Heaven in my mouth. The pizza tasted so creamy with the cheese on top.

"Rabbit, tell me about yourself." Sarah said with a smirk and I knew on what she was emphasising on. Boyfriend.

"You know it all, Sarah." I shook my head.

"Come on, don't be shy. I know you are probably dating someone sexy that's why you are not telling me." Sarah was all the way thinking of all possible things.

"No Sarah. I am single." I said firmly.

"But....-how old are you again?" Sarah questioned.

"19." I reply shortly.

"19?! And you are not even dating a guy?! This is dangerous! When I was your age I already had a boyfriend." Oh no she is going to be dramatic...

"So rabbit, what about your Sebbie?" Sarah asked wiggling her eyebrows. Sebbie. The name which I used to call Sebastian. And now it felt strange to hear it after so long. Though that single name made my heart skipped a beat in a weird way.

Sarah was the only one to know that I had a tiny crush on him. She knew everything about how I felt about him.

"There is no 'my Sebbie' Sarah." I said nonchalantly.

"Oh so still in the friend zone?" Sarah asked sounding interested in my love life.

"No Sarah. To put it simple. I know him but he does not know me. Plus, he is a pig." I said as I put the the can to my mouth for a sip.

"Many things happened in those ten years I was absent...." Sarah said thoughtfully.

"Yeah. Many things." I agreed.

"Oh Sarah! I forgot to tell you. I have a part time job so I would not be present all day in the house plus I have College too."

"Oh no problem rabbit!" Sarah thumped up at me.

Sarah chugged down her can of Sprite and yawned.
"Oh I am so sleepy..." She stood up and said something before she went.

"Boys are amazing creatures for experiments, rabbit. You should try one too." I knew what kind of experiments she meant.

Amazing creatures, huh?

Hello everybody! Chapter 3 UPDATED.
What do you think of Sarah? Comment down your thoughts and hit that star! Love ya! See ya in next chapter!❤

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