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Elizabeth's POV

I was still making my way home slowly as if my feet are as heavy as bricks. While walking, my eyes caught the usual park I used to go whenever I felt a huge ball filled with different emotions building inside of me.

My feet brought my body to the seat I usually sit and reflect on myself whenever in doubt. I took a deep breath and allowed the cold night air fill my lungs.

Out of the blue while I was breathing the fresh air with my eyes closed, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. My eyes opened instantly and I looked up to see the last person I wanted to see on earth. Sebastian...

"Hi." He flashed a faint smiled.

"Hi." I replied adverting his innocent iries. His eyes are making it hard for me to not look at him. I want to gaze at him so much.

"Sorry, I was just passing by in my car and saw you sitting here. I could not resist not talking to you. You don't even answer my calls and you don't even talk to me like we used to in college." Even when I was not looking at him, I felt the pain in his words. My skin craved to be envelopped by his arms. But I resisted the temptation.

I did not utter a single word. I just stared at the dark green grass. Noticing I was looking downwards the whole time, Sebastian kneeled in front of me.
"Eliz, I love you. I can't live when you don't talk to me. I want you in my life. I have already lost you in the past, I don't want to lose you again. Eliz, my Queen, tell me, what do I need to do to have you in my life? To have your love? Tell me, I'll do anything."
His voice cracked and his last words were whispers.
I cannot bear seeing him hurt like that...it pains my heart.

I gulped a huge lump down my throat and finally asked.
"You'll do anything?" My voice came out as a whisper too.

"Yes I promise." Sebastian said gently and looked at me with eyes shining with hope.

"Then, love the people who hold you dear first." I looked at him in the eyes and told him.

"I-..I-... O-okay" He stammered with confusion.

"Then I'll take my leave." I stood up and was about to walk my way to home when I heard Sebastian calling me.

"Elizabeth! Wait! Can I at least get a hug? J-Just one minute. Is that possible? Only one until we get back together?"
I turned and faced him. Damn...I cannot bear this face he's making.

I smiled and nodded while opening arms. He's really cruel...
Sebastian did not lose a second, he hurriedly engulfed me around his masculine arms. Unconsciously I buried my face in his chest and smelled his scent that made me dizzy.

"Thank you my Queen. Thank you. I needed this so bad." Sebastian said while still hugging me.

My hands also made their way to his muscular back tracing his muscles while noticing how big his back was and how small my hands were.
"My Queen, I am not lying. I do like what you are doing but, if you don't stop now, I can't promise that I will be able to hold back from kissing and continuing to hug you." When hearing that, my hands dropped instantly and I heard Sebastian chuckled.
This is music to my ears..

"W-why are you laughing?" I asked embarassed. Oh God! I want the floor to swallow me whole!

"You're cute. And I like that." He said while still hugging tightly as if wanting us to be one.

"And now it's already been one minute." His arms left my skin hot and wanting more.

"Yeah." I said looking down not wanting him to see my face.

"Why are you looking down all the time? This isn't like yo-" He lifted my face with both of his hands.

Sebastian looked at me flabbergasted. His eyes were as wide as saucers.
"Wow. If only I could kiss you right now my Queen. Your ruby face is making it difficult for me to resist kissing you." He looked straight into my eyes as if starring at my soul.

I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me into it.
"But I won't do that until I win your heart and when you'll be mine." Sebastian's palms were on either sides of my cheeks.

"But once you'll be mine. I must tell you. I won't be easy on you." Upon hearing this, I felt my cheeks grew hotter.

Sebastian let out a light laugh. "Okay, now enough of teasing you. I guess it's time for you to go home. It's pretty late."

I could not say a word, I just nodded.

"Okay then goodbye my Queen, and sweet dreams." He smiled and walked to his car while I was making my way to my home.

"Oh and Eliz!" I turned and Sebastian added. "I WAS NOT JOKING EARLIER." He winked at me while smirking.

I looked at him confused and then remembered.
"Wow. If only I could kiss you right now my Queen. Your ruby face is making it difficult for me to resist kissing you."
My face grew hotter instantly upon remembering his words.

"Pig." I murmured under my breath then turned and stomped my way to home.
Pig! Pig! Pig! Damn Sebastian pig! What is with him and not being easy with me? That damn pig! And what is with this "I was just passing by in my car"? How can someone passes by in a car in a hometown? Damn stinky pig! Stinky? No..I guess not stinky..but pig? YES!

Far away I heard his faint laughter. A smile made it's way on my lips. Damn pig...

Sebastian's POV
I laughed while watching my Queen stomping her feet down the streets. Damn...she is really cute.

To be honest, I was not 'passing by' in this hometown. I was missing Elizabeth a lot so, I call Joshua and he said I could find her walking down this street. And I hurriedly came without thinking.

I planned to only look at her but soon I found myself walking towards her. But I did not regret it though as I could hold her in my arms. That was my most precious moment. If only I could just stay like that with her.

I glanced at her one last time then I entered the car and signaled the driver.
I gazed at my palms. They still had the warmth of my Queen's hot cheeks.

Thank you for believing in me my Queen. Thank you for giving me this one last chance. I love you...

Okayyyyy helloooo my fellow readers! I know I know it's been sooooo longggggggggggggggggg since then last update. But now! I promise y'all that I am going to finish this story for my babies Eliz and Sebby!😭❤ Thank you for reading everyone!❤ If you liked this chapter then don't forget to hit a star!!!❤🙏 See you in next chapter! Oh and let me give you a good news before going...there'll be updates everyday till we hit the end of the story!😤🙏

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