Believe ME!

99 11 4

Sebastian's POV.
To say I was having a very hard time in living in a girl's body. That Elizabeth's hair is so long that sometimes I cannot handle it. I tried tying it in a ponytail but I could not as my arms were aching as hell when tried to do so. Then I watched some youtube videos on how to make a bun but then I regretted doing so. I have not got into so much struggle in ny ENTIRE life.

Then I made my mind to cut that damn long hair but then I remembered Elizabeth's murderous face when I did not take breakfast so I tried to tie it in a ponytail once again. Just because I did not take breakfast she was all the way ready to freaking kill me with her deadly glares then if I cut her, I would be surely in my grave.

Sighing I put one of the baggy jeans and shirt on and looked at my reflection. can't be helped...I need to wear these shitty clothes...she is a very sexy girl...I wonder why she hide that gorgeous body...

If I were her, I would definitely flaunt that body.'s not my life or body anyway...

Finally I was in that shitty clothes then I heard knockings on my door.
Not again!

"Elizabeth! Seriously how can you be so late every damn day?!" Joshua shouted.
This guy comes here every day for school...I so want to know the relationship between this girl and him...

I banged open the door with a pissed off face.
"What the hell, man? What is wrong with you?!" I shouted with all my might at him.

Instantly his eyes grew wide and his eyebrows shot up. His iries stared blankly at me.

"Haha...L-Let's go." I said nervously.

"W-Wait...What-...I..." Joshua could not form his words.

"What?" I asked faking that I did not know what was happened.

"You sound like my bestfriend now..." he said thoughtfully.

"Really? Haha.." I laughed nervously.

"So weird..." He massaged his temples.
I need to end this this conversation!

"W-We are late. Let's go!" I said going forward.

"Queen?" Joshua called. Queen?

"Yes?" I replied smiling at him. Maybe this guy calls her Queen...

He eyed me from head to toe then neared me as if I was his prey.

"J-Joshua?" I called with beads of sweat on my forehead. Don't tell me he has that relationship with this girl?! What am I going to do now?!

"Who are you?" Joshua asked looking very serious.

"What? You don't know me? I am Elizabeth." I told him but my voice was shaking.

"Who. Are. You?" He pronounced every single word with fume and his glares were piercing through me.

"I told you. Elizabeth." I said trying to convince him.

He said nothing and neared me once more but this time he took a long stride.

He came close to my face with his eyes fixed on me. How I don't like this...

No! No! No! Don't come any closer!

Maybe this girl Elizabeth and him are a thing...but he did not tell me anything about it..

I felt more beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Urghh...I feel like I am going to puke!

I turned my face sideways to avoid his close face. This girl Elizabeth did not tell me anything about Joshua being this close to her! Damn her!

I can't screw this up! Guess I need to do this...a freaking kiss! Shit! I feel nauseous!

I closed my eyes and waited for him but he did not do anything. Huh?

I opened my eyes and saw Joshua already retreated and his arms were crossed.
"I was just joking around but now...really who are you? Cause knowing Elizabeth well, she would not have replied nicely when I called you Queen. More importantly, she would have either punched me in the face or kick me when I approached this close to you. Answer me. Who. Are. You?" His voice was scary and knowing him he would definitely would not budge from this until I tell him the truth.

"I am sorry, man. I kept this a secret from you. I am actually Sebastian." I finally said it but instead of wearing a serious reaction, he was freaking laughing at ME!

"Hahahaha!!! I..-I can't take it anymore! Oh My! Eliz! Hahaha!! You-haha-are-haha-hilarious! This is the best joke ever! Haha! Now cut it out. We are late for classes." He dramatically wiped off a tear.

"Joshua! I am dead serious! I AM SEBASTIAN!" I once again told him.

"Yeah right! And pigs flies." He rolled his eyes.

"10 years old."


"When you were 10, you cried a lot when you knew that Spooky, your dog tore your underwear. And you wouldn't wear any since then cause it was your favourite one until your Mother bought one with the same floral motif." I started narrating. If he is not going to believe me then I am going to disclose all his embarrassing memories!

"When you were 15, you rejected a girl's confession at school then she threw eggs at you. You were all sticky that-" I was going to continue but his voice stopped me.

"Stop! Hold on! Okay! You are Sebastian!" Joshua raised his palm halting me.

"You sure? Cause I have a lot of proofs, you know?" I smirked devilishly at him.

"Yes I am totally sure. I don't need any proofs." Joshua massaged his temples.

"How did you end up in Elizabeth's body? This is crazy!" He grabbed my shoulders shaking me.

"Dude, though I am a man, I am still in a woman's body." I pointed to my body.

"Sorry. But how?" He questioned.
Then I had to narrate him all how I ended up in Elizabeth's body. He was just listening to my words with wide eyes.

"Now will you stop staring at me? You are creeping me out." I said blankly.

"Hey! So does that mean...Elizabeth is in your body?" He asked.

"Uh..-yeah..." I cocked an eyebrow at him. How dumb can this guy get?

Heyy there! It's been a looonnngggg timeeeee since my last update! But I 've returned for my babies Sebastian and Elizabeth! Cause really...we need to make things work for this couple!

Comment down your thoughts and hit that star! Love ya! Bye!❤

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