Secret Box

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We've reached 20th chapter! Yayy! Time to celebrate!😆 Thank you all you for your support! And a warm hug for all of you! By the way, Sebastian is back! Enjoy and meet me at the end of this chapter!

Sebastian's POV.
"It is such a pain!" It was the day to bake Joshua's brother, Jaden, a cake for his birthday. Plus that girl and Joshua's little brother were watching my every move intently like two strict cuisine judges.

I was feeling irritated to the point I could just pour the dough on their heads.

"No! You are doing it again! I've told you to do an S movement with the spoon." She pointed out.

"I am doing this damn S movement. Can't you see?" I asked with my voice filled with annoyance.

"Yeah right." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Guys, how are things going on with the cake?" I heard Joshua's voice in the kitchen.

"I am having the best time of my life right now." I said sarcastically.

"Oh come on Sebastian! It is just baking a cake!" Joshua exclaimed while taking a seat next to Jaden.

"Jaden are you happy Elizabeth is baking you a cake?" Joshua asked Jaden with the most sweetest voice I've ever heard.

"Oh yes Josh! I am very happy!" Jaden threw his little chubby arms up in the air.

Elizabeth then glanced at me.
"Okay okay. I am doing it." I sighed looking at the little boy.

But this girl! I was just thinking that she could be my Queen but now I highly doubt that...

My Queen cannot be like this. She would be sweet that you would forget the sweetness of any sweets or cakes and remember only hers...

Yes...That's my Queen...

When I was done mixing the ingredients up, I poured the dough in a square shape recipient then put it in the preheated oven.

******1 Hour Later******
"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Jaden! Happy Birthday to you!" We all sang while Jaden was cutting the cake.

Meanwhile I was praying that the cake would be at least good to the tongue.

Jaden's parents went to make him eat the cake. The minute he opened his mouth, my heart started pounding hard.

"Hmm...It is yummy!" Jaden clapped his hands.

"Thank you Elizabeth!" Jaden said smiling cutely.

"You are welcome Jaden." I smiled back.

After that we all had dinner at Joshua's then we all returned to our respective houses.

I sighed hard when I finally reached that girl's place. I inserted the key and opened the door. My head started to feel heavy. I massaged my temples with my fingers to soothe the pain.

Urgh...why my head is paining so much? Maybe a good shower and sleep will soothe the pain.

With that plan in mind, I made my way to the room and opened the closet in search for clothes. While searching my eyes hit a box. Not some ordinary box. It was closed and hidden with so much precaution. It was hidden behind a heap of clothes.

What is with this box?

In a split second, the pain which invaded my head vanished. My head was wrapped around the box.

My hands were itching to open it up and see what was in there.
Maybe something embarrassing? That's why she wants to keep it a secret. Then why not open it and find that out? Maybe I can use it against her...

A demonic smile made its way to my lips. I took the box in my hand and sat on the bed and opened it.

To say it was not a luxurious box or anything. It was a shoe box! But it was taped a hundred times like she kept some golden stuffs in it.

I peeled off the layers of tape and finally I could open it.
What the hell?! Why?! How?!

So many questions swam in my mind.
I could not believe my eyes. In there, was the photograph of my Queen and I when we were small. Only my Queen and I had this photograph.

I dug in the box even more only to find...letters?

I opened one and read it.
Dear Sebby,
                       Happy 9th Birthday! Even though we are not together anymore...I wish you a Happy Birthday. I even bought your birthday gift. I don't know whether you'll like it or not. But I just felt that this chain fits you.

                          Happy Birthday Sebby
                                Your Queen

Heyy Sebby! Don't think I've forgotten about your birthday! Happy 10th Birthday! How I wish you were here with me. Blowing candles and singing Happy Birthday. I want to see you Sebby...
                                     Your Queen

Where are you Sebby? I did not even get to see you off one last time...You did not want to see my face nor hear my voice...why? Why? Did I do something wrong? If so then I am sorry...but come back Sebby...
                                            Your Queen

Guess what I bought for your 11th birthday, Sebby?! I bought that blue beach ball which once we saw at the shop. Hope you like your gift!

                                      Your Queen

Hi Sebby!
                   I hope you are not getting bored. You know, there is this boy in my class who picks on me constantly. I don't like him at all. He always say rubbish about me. Oh are things going on at your place? 
                                         Your Queen

I did not know I was crying until the salty substance made its way to my mouth. My heart hurt. I did not know what kind of feeling was invading my heart, whole body. I felt hurt, pain, rage but still I felt a tinge of...happiness...

There were a bunch of letters which were all about me. They were written for me but never sent to me. She was still thinking about me...My Queen.

She still remembered my birthday and wrote letters on my every birthdays. I took the chain in my hand and feeling its coldness. It has been kept here in this cold for a long time.

Now I get it. Where all these points were heading...the recipient, how she knew I onced burnt myself, her way of playing soccer...all of these...they were drawing the picture of my Queen...

I AM BACK! YES! What do you think of this chapter? Comment down your thoughts and don't forget to hit that star! Love ya! Bye.❤

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