Training (1)

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Elizabeth's POV.
"No! It is not like that! Do it again!" J shouted sounding like my childhood strict ballet teacher.

J, the Pig and I were at my place. J told us to better start with this training behaviour thing fast else it would be a great problem for both the Pig and I. At first we decided to go to the Pig's house for this but then we remembered that his mother doesn't like it when he brings girls in the house.

So we switched to my place. I had to tell the Pig's mother that I was hanging out with J and since she knew J...well she did not mind.

"Are you not taking this training thing a bit too seriously J?" I sighed hard.

"What? I am actually being a good trainer here." He dramatically held the back of his right hand on his forehead.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay! One more time." I slapped both of my cheeks.

I tried to walk again in a more boyish way but COULD NOT. It is actually weird to walk differently. Besides I now had this part between my thighs which made it even more difficult for me to walk.

"I think we are very lucky to have nobody notice her way of walking. I mean just look at her! She is walking like something is stuck in between my ass!" I heard the Pig said irritatedly.
Why can't he just shut up?!

"Look, I did not ask for your free comments. So please, can you do me a favour to shut the hell up? Thank you." I smiled fakely at him.

"I possibly can't stand the sight of my body walking this way." The Pig made a wry face.

Oh how I want to just punch his face...
I mean his body's face.

I swear once we will be in our own bodies, I will freaking buy a glove and glue nails on it to punch him!

I took deep breaths to calm my furiousness.

Ring! Ring! Ring!
"Girl, this call is for you." The Pig handed me my mobile. We had to swape our mobiles as well cause we could not risk anyone knowing about us.

Of course there were times which I wanted to grind that mobile in a grinder cause I was getting non-stop text messages from that Pig's thirsty dinosaurs.

I looked at the caller and it read Sarah. She returned to the Lab to search for a solution to get rid of that switching soul situation. I knew she was giving her all in this cause she had been hardly calling me lately well until today.

I swiped the green button and held the mobile on my right ear.
"Hello rabbit! How are you?" Sarah's cheerful voice was heard.

"I am in a really good mood to murder someone these past days." I said glancing at the Pig. He was busy talking with J.

"Come on Rabbit! You have to be patient cause patience brings sweet fruits!" I rolled my eyes at her words.

"Says the one who is always impatient when it comes to eating pizza." I stated non-chalantly.

"You are not cooperating Rabbit! I am trying to sound a mature Aunt here!" This Aunt can surely be more than childish sometimes...

"Anyway, I called to inform you that it most probably next month both of you will be in your respective bodies for I am mostly done." Hearing Sarah's words, I let out a sigh of relief.
Finally next month...I'll be in my body..

"There is one thing I want to tell you Rabbit. Please do not miss this chance.
Chances do not come often in life. Please do not miss it. Oh! Rabbit, I need to go now. Call you later! Bye." With that she hung up. The words she said kept reeling in my mind.
Do not miss this chance...miss this chance...chance...what chance?

I absent-mindly stared at the sleek black shoes I was wearing while pondering on Sarah's words but I think that was too much to do as the Pig came up with a comment.

"Oh, have you not noticed it before? That those shoes looks way better than you?" Even though the Pig was behind me I could hear him smirking.

My right eyebrow twitched. He is asking for it!
"You mean this body?" I asked smirking for I knew I definitely hit a nerve.

"I would advise you to think before you say something, Prince Sebastian Black." My smirk grew wider when the Pig was not saying anything.

"And I WOULD advise you to stop running that tongue of yours, if you don't want-" The Pig was about to say something but he was cut off by J.

"You guys really get along." The moment J said those words, our heads whipped to his direction.

"NO! WE DON'T!" We said in unison.

"STOP TALKING LIKE ME!" Again we said in unison.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Again in unison.

"CAN YOU STOP?!" I grabbed my hair in frustration as we again said in unison.

"Guys, can you talk a bit softly?" J asked nervously seeing our angry faces.

"NO!" Again in unison.

"CAN YOU STOP NOW?!" We told each other in unison.

Frustrated I closed my eyes and took a very deep breath. When I cracked open my eyes, I saw the Pig whipped his head and muttered a 'hmmp!' Then he went to sat on the couch.
I stared at him for his weird behaviour.
What the hell is wrong with him?! Does this what hormones do to us, women?

Heyy my loves! Chapter 14 UPDATED! By the way this is only the begining. Stay tuned to see what I have in store for you my loves! Anyway, what do you think of Sebastian, Elizabeth and J?

Do you think Sebastian's and Elizabeth's relationship will continue on like this...or there will be a twist in the plot? *smirk* *smirk*

Don't forget to hit that star and comment down your thoughts! Love ya! Bye! See you in next chapter! ❤

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