Getting the Queen (2)

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Sebastian's POV.

"Alright!" I handed Joshua the bottle after emptying it. Fortunately Joshua had a water bottle in his car.

He pushed it all the way in the exhaust pipe.
"Let's get this done." Joshua took a deep breath.

I nodded at him and he made his way to the gates swaying his hips.

"Some-..." He cleared his throat and asked. "Someone there? Please help me!" To say I was shocked as he completely masked his manly voice.

"Yes. Who are you? What do you want?" The guards came forward and asked.

" name is Jessie and my car seems broken down. Can you please help me?" Joshua played with a strand of his hair while talking.
Where does this guy learnt this thing?!

I waited until the guards evaded from the gates.
"Where is your car young lady?" One of the guards asked eyeing Joshua up and down and I definitely know that that guy is probably restraining from puking on the guard judging from the look he is shooting at him.

"Right here." Joshua pointed at the car.

"Alright we will fix your car but what will we have in return?" The other guard questioned.

"That...we will discuss once my car is fixed." Joshua continued on playing with his hair.

"But first I really really need your help." Joshua used a high-pitched tone.

"Okay then let's see your car. But don't forget about it when it's done." The guard winked at Joshua.

Joshua then flashed the guards a smile and made his way to his car.

"Here." Joshua said and the gaurds followed him to the vehicle. Then he sent me a gesture with his hand behind his back for me to go.

When I got the message, I sneakily made my way through the opened gates.

With so much difficulty I walked in Joshua's clothes for they were baggy, I finally got to my house. I looked up and noticed that my bedroom's window was still opened. Now I just have to climb my way up...I guess...

I sighed and went to the storeroom outside and took out a ladder then brought it to my window.

I took a deep breath and climbed the ladder. Even though it was not an easy task to climb with Joshua's clothes, I finally made my way to tge window.

I then jumped into my room to noticed it empty. Then I saw the door opened and in entered my Queen.

Her eyes grew wide the minute she saw me.
"What are you doing here? Why are you even here?" She asked hurriedly closing the door.

"My Queen!" I hurried to her and hug her tightly.

"W-Wait. Sebastian!" She tried to break free from the tight hug.

Then I released her from my arms and looked closely to her eyes and noticed that they were red...
"Were ypu crying?" I asked her.

"It is none of your concern." She answered coldly.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me? Why you kept all of this a secret? Why didn't you tell me that you are my Queen?" I asked her with my hands resting on her shoulders but as she was in my body, it was pretty difficult to do so as my body is taller than hers.

She sneered and added.
"Why you ask? What would I get if I had told you? Your love? I highly doubt that."

"I've been searching for you for years my Queen. And for my love...of course you would get it." I said softly.

"And I am sorry for leaving you in the past and I understand your anger." I added.

"Understand? How can someone who never understands his parents understand me?" Her voice was fierce.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Have you ever considered your parents' feelings? Their love? And here you are talking about love?" She asked me.

"Why are you talking about my parents? I am here to talk about us." I kept my cool as I didn't want to ruin this chance of reuniting with my Queen.

"Just as I thought. You can NEVER understand your own family. And you call yourself a Prince! Prince of Riverside! But you can never become a Prince in your house!" She was getting more furious.

My Queen's furiousness was increasing and I really would like to know why was she angry.

"Calm down and tell me what is bothering you-" Before I could even finish she cut me off.

"Bothering me? You! You are bothering me! Can't you understand?! I don't love you anymore! I am not like before! Right now I don't even want to see you! Just leave!" Her voice rose even more.

Her words pierced through me like broken glasses.

"Alright my Queen. I am leaving but keep in mind that I'll definitely make you fall for me again. I know that that love hasn't died yet." I smiled weakly.

I turned to leave but then I remembered what Sarah told me.
"Oh and Sarah said that she found the solution and she's coming tomorrow."
I looked at her one more time and saw her back facing me.

Taking a deep breath I climbed down the ladder.

Once I reached the floor, I heard Joshua's voice.

Shit! I completely forgot Joshua!

I ran quickly to the exit and peeked outside the gates and saw Joshua in the car and the guards were at the booth and were in the position of pushing it.

Then Joshua saw me and winked at me.

"You can push guys!" Joshua said in a very piercing voice

With great reluctance I hurried to the gates after glancing a look at the window.

I looked forward and noticed the guards were pushing the car.

"No guys! It cannot move." Joshua got down of the car and went to the booth.

"I need you to push it hard...really hard." My eyes bulged out of their sockets when I heard those words.

Then accidentally Joshua's mobile phone fell on the ground.

He reached down and before he picked it up, he hidingly took out the bottle from the exhaust pipe with the guards noticing.
"Okay guys. I count on you all!" He said without forgetting to add a pinch of seductiveness.

After that he catwalked as if he was on red carpet and got into the car again.

"Alright push!" All guards pushed  and as if it was on cue, Joshua shouted.
"Come on babe!" I ran till my heart pumped hard and got into the car like the speed of light.

"Wait! Stop!" All the guards shouted but Joshua only replied.
"Hasta La Vista Baby!"

The he hit the engine and we dashed into the dark lane.

Hey everybody! I know it's been a long time since I've last updated but here it is a new update. And yes I know that Elizabeth is not cooperating with us to bring Sebby close to her. But oh well! We are definitely going to do it anyway! Btw what do you think Elizabeth did this? Why hasn't she accepted Sebastian's feelings? Comment down your thoughts! And yes don't forget to hit that star! Bye! Love ya!❤

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