The Job

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Elizabeth's POV.
"Goodmorning sir. Here is your breakfast." I kept my voice as manly as I could. Even though it was very difficult I had to do it.

"Yeah yeah." I just saw a hand waving. Making the gesture of 'move your ass now'.

God! It is so difficult to work as a butler!

Well if you don't know me, I am Elizabeth Jones and I work as a butler at the Black family. Yes. You heard me right. A butler.
Why? The family does not really favour maids. Maybe that's why most of the people working here are males...well except me.
Why? Because their son is the king of manwhores. How I know this? From the first day of my work itself an old man working as a driver named Mr Zavier told me that every damn maid who came to work for Sebastian spend more than their working hours in his room.

Sebastian Black. The guy whom every freaking girl will lay their body for. He is well known for his charms and seductive self. He can literally make you feel hot within only one touch...well I did not experience it so I don't really know about that but I learnt that through the talks.

This guy can be the master of masking. Here, in this house, he is the most rude, arrogant and sadist person. Oh and don't forget! He is the most perverted and manwhore of all the men in the ENTIRE world.

But once stepping in College, he is the Prince that is the most caring, gentleman and polite person EVER. His words will be way too sweet to drown you in diabetes. Why two-faces? Because he will need those girls to either do his homework or to obviously satisfy his digusting sex needs.

I sighed and shook my head low then proceeded to the changing room. Luckily Mrs Linda Black allowed me to go early in the morning because of College once served his son breakfast. I was the only one to serve the dumbass Prince because there was no one but only me wanting this job as a guy.

I still remember the first day of my job here. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I did not expect Mrs Linda Black the one searching for a butler. Mrs Linda Black's former name was Mrs Linda Salvatore. She remarried after her husband's death. And she is now filthy rich as her husband holds a great Company. You must be wondering how I know that much on them..well..because we were once neighbours and she was my mother's best friend. After she remarried, she moved in with her husband with her son. Sebastian and I were very close back then. We were always playing together and...somehow I felt myself having a tiny crush on him.

I still remember the job interview. God! Was it stressful!

"What is your name, boy?" Mrs Black asked smiling softly.

I cleared my throat at first and replied with a very thick voice.
"E-E-....Elfan!" Very good Eliz! What a name you have found! -Note the sarcasm.

"That's a really weird name." Mrs Black asked suspsciously. Shit! What now? I can't let her unmask me!

"Umm-..M-My p-parents like unique things. That's why they thought of a unique name. I think." I explained with sweat palms amd smiled nervously.

"Okay Elfan. You are starting tomorrow morning at 5 a.m and ends at 7 p.m." She said in her most strictest voice ever.

"Sorry Ma'am. I am not sure that I'll be able to be here from 5 a.m to 7 p.m on week days as I have classes. I am taking this job as a part time one."

" is not a problem Elfan. Actually you are most likely to be my son's butler. His name is Sebastian and he is also a student so he will not be present at home all the time during the week days. You can come at 5 a.m to serve my son breakfast and then leave for College then you can come at 6.30 p.m to serve him dinner. Is that alright with you?" Mrs Black asked professionally.

"Y-Yes Ma'am." I replied stiffly.

***End Of Flashback***

I am not going to lie, when I first knew that I was going to work at the Blacks and as a butler for Sebastian, I was kinda excited and happy. I was so excited to meet him once again and to talk to him like we used to do. But I think I was too damn excited that my wish did not come true as the next day itself when I started to work, I was met by his girlfriend like Clara called herself.

I go to the same College as the Prince so I know everyone but I am invisible to their eyes.

I knew who Sebastian is but he did not know that I was Elizabeth...his once Queen...

Finally I changed into normal clothes which are loose pants and shirt. And of course a bunny. I always wore bunnies when I came to work as I did not want anyone to see my long hair. Plus they did not really mind the bunny but I had to wear the butler attire.

Once I was done, I grabbed my backpack and made my way to take the bus.

I always took the bus for home then change again as I did not want anyone to see me in boy's clothes. Even though nobody would notice me.

I reached home and entered the key in the keyhole and opened the door. I lived by myself. But from time to time my parents visited me so it is not really a problem for me.

The moment I stepped into the house I was met by a very bear hug.
"Oh the Queen has arrived!" Only one person called me by that name. J aka Joshua.

"How many times should I tell you to stop calling me that J." I muttered rolling my eyes.

"Why?" He asked scratching his head. Because some dumb Prince used to call me that...

"I don't know. Anyway, how did you enter in my house?" I asked him looking everywhere.

"Through the window of course!" He flashed a triumphant smile.

"You broke into my house, J!"

"Hey don't make it a big deal. I rang the doorbell for like a thousands time but you did not open so I had to enter through your window." J rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Now go and change! We are going!" J shouted in my ear loudly.

"Damn J! Okay stay here. I am going to change." I shielded my ears with my palms and made my way to my room.

J knew about my part time job and he did not reveal it to anyone that I worked as a butler at the Blacks but one thing he did not know was that his best friend Sebastian and I were friends before and I knew him very well....

Hello to all Wattpad Readers! Thiz is the first Chapter of 'Switching To Royalty'!😍

Hope you enjoyed this one and don't forget to comment your thoughts and hit that star! Love ya!

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