Sexy Body

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The dress and sneakers Sebastian wore is on top.👆😍
And thank you for the votes and the comments user14703074. These mean a lot to me! Thank you for your support since 'The Satan's Eve'!

Sebastian's POV.

Bang! Bang! Bang!
Who the hell is banging at my door?! Do the servants forget their manners?!

Bang! Bang! Bang!
What the heck?!

Groaning I pushed the covers off me and stepped out of the comfy bed groggily with my eyes still drowned in sleep.

I opened the door and muttered.
"What?!" I was very cranky that morning.

"Dear Eliz, it is already 8 in the morning. Do you plan to skip class today?" This voice...- JOSHUA!

My eyes opened widely with all the once sleep I had drained out of my eyes.

"J-Joshua?" I asked stupidly and only then I realised something.
My voice! What does it sound so feminine?!

Unconsciously I touched my neck with so many thoughts clouded my head.

"Yes me! Now get ready. We are late for class!" He said and closed the door.

I stood at the closed door in daze. I blinked once, twice then I regained myself.

I walked in the room and took in around my surrounding.

Where the hell am I? I don't remember sleeping with someone yesterday. I was at home...

Suddenly my head started pounding. I massage my temple with my fingers only to noticed that my fingers were short and not only that. My hands were so damn small!

I stared at my hands in horror.
Why my hands are so small?!

Then my gaze hit the clothing I was wearing some weird loose clothes. I instantly cringed when I touched loose shirt.
What is with that shitty fashion sense?! I don't remember wearing this kind of clothes...

Wait! Why do I feel a little heavy at mu chest?...

I touched my chest and my eyes immediately grew wide.
What the hell?! Why is my chest full?!

I quickly took off that loose shirt to only find that I wearing something I never thought I would be wearing in my entire life-A FREAKING BRA!

Why bra?! And where is my muscled chest?!

I looked down and noticed a very sexy cleavage.
Shit! Don't tell me!

I took off the bra praying that it would be just some sick joke but the moment I unclasped the bra, A PAIR OF FULL BREASTS BOUNCED!

I rushed to the mirror closet and stood staring at my now FEMININE BODY.

W-What happened?! WHY AM I IN A GIRL'S BODY?!

Wait! Breasts! That means I have a pussy too?!

I took off the baggy pants and found out that I was wearing PANTIES!

I touched it and was met by indeed a pussy!

No! Where is my dick?!

I sighed in frustration and massaged my temple again.
There is no way something will happen if I continue on making a huge fuss about this...

Plus this is a very sexy body! Damn that ass! Oh those breasts! Ohh thick thighs!

I admired that feminine body I was in and might I say that it was very sexy and hot.

Oh long hair, huh?
I ran my fingers in the long dark brownish chocolate hair.

Bang! Bang! Bang!
What the hell now?!

"What?!" I asked irritated.

"WE ARE GETTING LATE ELIZABETH!" I heard Joshua shouting. this girl's name is Elizabeth too...My Queen...

Joshua...why is he here though? He never mentioned that he has a girlfriend before...then who is he to this girl?

Sighing, I massaged my temples for the third time.
How am I going to get my body? Should I go home? No! If my Mother or someone sees me, they will definitely kick me out as now I am a girl! Shit! What am I going to do?

If I am in her body that means she is in mine too! How am I going to find her now?

College...meaning that that girl goes to the same College as mine! Maybe I can find her in my body in College...

Finally I took all the scattered clothes from the ground and went in the bathroom for a shower and to get ready for College.

During the shower it was very difficult for me to wash that long hair. It kept sticking to my body!

But I managed to wash it anyway and I scrubbed the shower gel all over that gorgeous body. This girl is surely very sexy! How did I not notice her before?

Once I was done with showering, I made my way to the closet with the towel hanging on my waist.
Yes, my waist...I don't know how to wrap my whole body with a towel.

Luckily the curtains were not opened or else the whole neighbourhood would see my now sexy body.

I actually kind of liked that body and was looking forward to the clothes I was going to wear.

But then...when I opened the closet, I was met by a bunch of weird and horribly loose clothes!
Don't tell me this girl doesn't have a fucking fashion sense!

I sighed hard and searched more to the extent the clothes were messed up. Then I found it...

In a corner in the closet itself, there was a bag made of fabric. Curiously, I opened it and instantly my eyes shone.
So this is where this girl hide these sexy clothes! She hid it under a bunch of clothes.

Smirking, I took out all the clothes and placed them on the bed and to choose one of them.

Finally, I decided to go with the simple plain black dress and a pair of sneakers. Of course I did not do any makeup or whatever because I know shit about makeup.

I let my wet hair loose as it looked good that day. I was weirdly accustomed to this body.

When I was done, I opened the door and went downstairs.
"What the hell were you doing? You don't usually take this much tim-" He was about to go on but once he saw me his jaw hanged open.

"Wow! Now I can say you look like a real Queen!" Is this guy my boyfriend?!

I did not utter a single word as I did not know what to say.

"Now let's go!" Joshua pulled my hand and got me to his car. So this girl used to come to College in Joshua's car? I did not notice this before...

During the whole ride, I kept thinking how the hell this girl would dress my body up. This girl has the weirdest fashion sense of all girls!

Then we have finally reached College.
"Hey you think she will talk to me today?" Huh? Who will talk to Joshua? What should I say?

"Uhh-....yeah." I muttered and got out of the car. Once I stepped foot on the ground, I rushed in to look for my body.

But the moment I was inside, all the guys kept looking at me with lustful eyes and some of them whistled. These acts of them got the best of me. I threw them a very furious look and asked.

They did not say anything, some just went away and some were stuck on the spot.

Brushing these guys off, I proceeded my way to look for my body. Just then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and forcefully pulled me with them.

What the hell?!

Chapter 8 UPDATED! What do you think of this one? Don't forget to forget to hit that star! Love ya! Bye!❤

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