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Elizabeth's POV.
".....wake....up....Se..." A faint feminine voice was calling and there was knockings at the door.

"Yes..." I said unconsciously.
Uhh I don't want to wake up! I am going to sleep 5 minutes and then I'll wake up....

I woke up abruptly realising that my voice sounded manly. My eyes shot open within seconds.

I looked at my surroundings and noticed that I was not in my freaking bedroom! Shit! What happened?!
I am sure I was at home yesterday...then what the hell happened?! Why am I even in Sebastian's ROOM?!

I brought my hand to my head massaged it feeling the softness of my....SHORT HAIR?!

I ran my fingers again and again to on my hair. Did someone cut my hair?!
My heart was thumping. I did not know what the hell happened to me!

I peeled off the covers off me to only see that I was dressed in a GUY'S CLOTHES!

I touched the fabric on me to be met by another shock. My hands connected to my breasts to only find that they were flat like a freaking wall. I started sweating like a pig.
No way! What happened?! Where are my babies?

I peeked inside the loose shirt and found out that I had no breasts but a flat muscled chest. No way! H-How could this ever happened?!
Oh bloody shit! Don't tell me....I...I have that d-part...too?

Taking a deep breath with my heart still pumping hard, I peeked inside the pants and was met by a D-PART! My eyes went wide with shock and was out of breath for some minutes.
Okay calm down Eliz...Calm down....


I grabbed the blanket and yanked it off my body. My male body...

Instantly I got up to my feet and made my way to the bathroom. My heart was still pumping hard.

I hanged my head low with either hands on the counter. My breath hitched. I could not breathe.

I looked up in the big classy mirror in front of me. I felt the bathroom started spinning.
T-This is M-ME?! M-My body?

My eyes grew wide. I started sweating like a pig. No way! Why? Where is my body?! How am I in SEBASTIAN'S BODY?!

Wait?! If I am in Sebastian's body....then he is in....mine...


I hurried in the shower for a quick shower. I peeled the clothes off me with my mind still in clouds.
I can't believe it! I don't have my boobies! Urghh...I feel like dying!

No! Eliz! Calmn down! You need to find your body!

I allowed the hot water sprinkle on me. I took some of the Pig's shower gel and scrub on my body...well on the Pig's body.
Hmm...this shower gel smells good...

My hands was on the upper part area, scrubbing it delicately.
Gosh! This body is soo hot! Damn these abs! That hard chest!

I drooled over that sexy muscled body for some good minutes. Then it was time for the lower part scrubbing.
Damn! How am I supposed to scrub...down there?!

Taking a deep breath, I scrubbed some shower gel on the lower part. 

Once I was done scrubbing, I allowed the water rained over my body with my fingers washing my now short hair. His hair is so...smooth...

When I was done with showering, I took the towel which was placed on the counter and dried myself.

Then I walked to the room again with the towel wrapping around my whole body like a girl should have done. I know this sounds weird but I could not help my way of doing things. Plus there was no one in the room.

I proceeded my way to the walk-in closet to choose something to wear.
What the hell?! So many clothes!

It was difficult for me to choose what to wear cause all of them were nice.
But then I ended up wearing a white V-neck shirt with a pair of black jeans and to match it I wore a leather jacket. I glanced at myself in the mirror and found out that I was hella sexy even though I was now a GUY.

I sighed in frustration and blew dry my hair. I did not apply anything to it. I just did that messy hair look.

I opened the door and peeked outside.
Eliz why the hell are you peeking?! This is your own house now!

I shook my head low at my stupid action. I straighten my posture and walked down the stairs.

"Goodmorning, Seb." Mrs Black greeted.
What should I say now?! Even though I work here, I don't know how he speaks to his Mother! He is always in his freaking room!

"Uh-...Goodmorning Mom." I greeted back smiling.

The minute those words got out of my mouth, his Mother's eyes shone. What is happening now?!

"Oh my! I have been praying to God for you to talk to me! My prayers are now answered!" Mrs Black was smiling brightly and hugged me tightly.
"Everyday when I either greet you or talk to you, you do not talk to me. You do not even look at me. But now that you talked to me, I am very happy." Mrs Black had tears welling up her eyes.
What the hell is happening?! Shit! What if I screwed up?!

"Sit down, Seb and have your breakfast or will you have it in your room?" Mrs Black asked waiting for my answer.

"No...I'll have it here." I said softly.
I cannot break her heart...

"Here, Seb." Mrs Black placed a plate with two toasts on it and a cup of coffee.

"Thank you, Mom." I muttered and ate in silence.

Once I finished my toasts, I brought the cup of coffee to my lips and the moment I had the first sip, I nearly puke it out.
Yuck! There isn't sugar in this coffee!

I managed to chug some of it without vomitting and left some in the cup.

"Seb? What happened? You like coffees without sugar, don't you?"
Mrs Black asked me worriedly.

"No...um..It is just that I am getting late, bye Mom." I said smiling at her nervously.

"Have a nice day, Seb." Mrs Black hugged me.

We parted and I hurried to the door. Once I was out of the house, I sighed.

"Goodmorning Sir." Mr Zavier greeted as he pulled out the car.

"Goodmorning Zavier." I greeted. His eyes widened. What now?! I don't know how the Pig is with Zavier...so I just acted natural...

I went in the car and sat in passenger seat. Zavier then drove me off to College.

The College was not too far away from the Pig's house. I got out of the car. Here I am...my body...

I knew the Pig would be in College as to search for me...I mean for his body too.

The moment I set foot in the College entrance I heard murmurs.
What now!?

"Damn! Did you see that girl? She is so sexy!" My head whipped to a group of guys talking.

"Yeah! She is so damn hot with that dress." One guy in the group licked his lips. Disgusting!

I brushed them off and proceeded my way in the College. I must find him!  My body!

Just then I saw something I never thought I would in my whole life!

Yes I cussed. It worthed it!

Hey everyone! Yes I said that I would not be updating for about 2 months but I could not help my fingers from tapping on the keyboard.😅

What do you think of this chapter? Drop your thoughts and hit that star! Oh and by the way the upcoming chapter will be Sebastian's POV.
Stay tuned! Love ya! Bye!❤

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