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Elizabeth's POV

After we walked for about 15 minutes, we finally arrived at the new bakery. To be honest I did not expect it to be a fancy one. And by fancy, I mean really fancy.

There were some fairy lights, a lot of artificial flowers and drawing of pastries on a huge white wall. I was flabercasted with this whole setting of the exterior decor of the bakery.

I looked over my shoulder and noticed the same expression plastered on J's face. Guess I am not the only one who is so much fasinated...

But then when my eyes followed where J was looking I realised that he was not actually amazed by the exterior decor but actually, he was fascinated by a certain someone. An evil smirk made its way to my lips.

"Oooh look who we got there?" I smirked at J and nudged him with my elbow.

"Stop it Eliz!" A flush of pink colour engulfed J's pale cheeks then he smiled nervously while scratching his forehead.

"Stop that J! You are being uncool. Come on, let's go inside." I said and made my way to go into the bakery only to notice that I was the only one who was on the doorstep and J was as if glued to the ground.

I face-palmed and shook my head in dejection. I really need to do something for this guy.

I went up to J and pulled his ear to my mouth and whispered.

J winced and said.
"But...I don't know, ho-" I did not let him finish his sentence because I knew that if I would, he would definitely became depressed with his overthinking skill. Yes, when it concerns J, overthinking can be considered as a skill.

"Stop muttering nonsense and come!" I pulled him with me and walked to the door. Without any further thoughts, I opened the door and made my way inside and saw Diana's back facing us.

I faked a shocking face and shouted.
"Oh my god! Diana! I didn't expect I would see you here!"

When Diana turned to face J and I, I waved my right hand at her.

"Hey Elizabeth!" A huge bright smile made its way to her lips. Diana approached us but when she saw J, her facial expression changed, her smile faded and her eyebrows were brought together to form a frown.

Why is this happening now? J is already nervous and I am definitely sure J has already jumped in a pit of depression when he saw that face!

I looked at J and saw how J's face changed. I was right!

"Umm..Diana. Meet my best friend-J, I mean Joshua but I call him J. Well, he is more like a brother to me." I tried to make things work with introduction.

I looked over to see J freezed on the spot.
What is with J???! I am trying to sooth things here!! Cooperate J!

I sneakily stomped on his foot. He winced and glared at me.
I faked a smile and glaring at him as well. I really could not imagine my face that time.

But fortunately I suppose he could get the message because then, he smiled at Diana and stammered.
"P-Pleasure to m-meet you Diana."

I mentally palmed my face and cursed J to death. He really was not making things work here.

But then Diana smiled warmly at J and said.
"You too."

Then AWKWARDNESS evacuated the place.

I took a deep breath. Just how many times I've been taking deep breaths today?

"So Diana you work here?" I asked her noticing the apron attached to her body.

"Yeah. This is my uncle's bakery. I come to help him from time to time." She smiled and said shyly.

"So that means you know how to bake a few cakes?" I asked her and was silently praying that sh would not mistake me as a bloody stalker. Well, we did know each other that time but we were not that close.

"Yes I do but I only know the simple ones like muffins, pies and some more." She said counting on her fingers while thinking. And when I looked at J, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, HIS EYES WERE FREAKING GLUED TO HER.

I pinched him lightly so as he would stop what he was doing as I did not want him to be a creep. Even though he was doing the same thing previously.

J turned his gaze towards me while facing Diana. I glared at him and motioned him to smile.

"Oh! That's great Diana! I mean then you can help J with anything concerning baking! He has little brother and he is really fond of pastries. And he constantly tells J to bake cakes for him but this guy always ends up not making good ones. We once thought of buying a cake and making it as though J has baked it but then, his little brother's wittiness got the best of him, he ended up knowing that the cake was a bought one and not a baked one. His brother really like homemade cakes especially when he bakes them with J. Sometimes I pity J..." I shook my head and made a very pitiful face at J.

J instead looked at him as though I was a ghost wearing pin-up clothes standing beside him. His eyes were wide as saucers.

I glared again at him to make him snap out of it. I am surprised how my eyes do not hurt by so much glaring...

"Umm..Joshua was it?" Diana asked J shyly. Aww that's cute.

"Y-Yeah." And J in the other hand was ruining this situation with nervousness.

"Right. So, Joshua I would not mind to help you some times with baking. Well, if you need any help." Diana said while brushing her fringes from her face.
I like where this is going...

"By the way Diana, are you busy right now?" I asked her looking the surroundings. Good! Not that much customers!

"Umm..No. There usually not that much customers during these hours." Diana smiled warmly at me.

"Oh its good then! Why don't you guys chat a bit? I mean talk about some recipes and stuff? Cause you remember J? Your little bro told you he wanted to eat cupcakes tomorrow!" I lifted my index finger in the air and said with a serious face.

J looked at me dumbfounded. Then it was as though realisation finally hit him, he nodded and said.
"Ah! Yeah! Yeah! I totally forgot. Thank you for reminding me Eliz."

"But I am sorry guys, I have to leave you two. I have something important to deal with. Oh before I go, I would like to have three chocolate donuts please!" I smiled brightly at Diana and she rushed and brought a paper bag with the donuts in it. I paid her and waved at them.

Before I left, I mouthed J "Goodluck." Then proceeded to the door.

"Call me when you get home!" J shouted. He cannot stop worrying about me.

I hope everything goes well with J...

Well hello there guys! Yes yes I am back. I am completely in the mood of writing Elizabeth's and Sebastian's love story.
Hope you liked this chapter! And you if yoy enjoyed it, don't forget to hit that star!🙊

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