The Unexpected Guest

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Elizabeth's POV.
"B-Butler?!" Sarah exclaimed in my ears.

"Uh-yeah....I thought you knew I work as a butler." I said putting on my bunny.

"You did not tell me!" Oops...sounds like a shock.

"I think I forgot to tell you that." I checked in the mirror if any hair is out.

"But does anyone who that you work as a butler? Your Mother?" Sarah asked bringing her eyebrows together.

"Nope." I replied then taking a final look in the mirror.

"I am leaving Sarah. If you have any problems just call me, okay?" I told her taking my backpack.

"Okay rabbit." Even though I explained her everything, why do I smell that something is coming up....

I took a deep breath and brushed off that thought.

"Bye Sarah." I hugged her and went off closing the door.

"Bye, Bye my rabbit." She sent me a flying kiss and waved her hand.

******At Work******
Breathe in....Breathe out....
You can do it Eliz. Just don't explode when he is being a pig.

With that thought running in my head, I knocked on the Pig's door. I was in front of his room with a platter in my hands holding his food.
I wonder why he does not dine with his family....

The door opened pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Uh-...umm...-Here is your food, Sir." I successfully masked my feminine voice with a masculine one.

My gaze was still on the floor with the plater being held up.

He did not utter a single word. Instead, he just took the platter with me and went in closing the door.

The moment he closed the door, I exhaled the air I was holding up the whole time. And damn was that difficult. I was shocked though.
How the hell could I hold so much air?!

Maybe I should enter my record in Guiness Book....

I laughed softly with that stupid thought in my head.

"I am very happy to see you, Linda." I think I know to whom that voice belongs to....

I literally ran to the spot and guess who I saw? SARAH.

Are you kidding me?! What the hell is she doing here?! Why is she even here?!

My mouth was hanging open and my eyes bulged out of their sockets. Then two pairs of brown eyes shifted to my direction. Damn!

Sarah cocked an eyebrow to me clearly questioning about what am I doing there.

"Why don't we go in the living room for a chat?" Linda said smiling at Sarah.

"Oh yes Linda. We did not have that girl chat since a very long time." Sarah agreed. She threw me a last look and went behind Mrs Black.

"Oh Elfan! Can you bring two coffees in the living room, please?" Mrs Black had always been polite with me. No one talked in a rude manner.

"Yes Ma'am." I said and went in the kitchen.

"Hey Rafael, need two coffees!" I told Rafael who was in charge in the kitchen. He was in his late 20s and he was handsome. He had a girlfriend and he loved her dearly. They were together for three years. I always admired their relationship. Rafael would always narrate me how he met the love of his life like he said. And it was wonderful to hear him. Sometimes I would just hang out in the kitchen and eat some of the dishes which Rafael spared for me. I was the only one who was young so I was being pampered by others.

"Got it, Elfan!" Rafael thumbed up at me and began brewing the coffee.

I always enjoyed watching Rafael work in the kitchen. It was like an art. The way he did everything concerning the kitchen was his life. You could see that in his eyes whenever he cooked the dishes or even when he brewed a coffee or tea.

He seemed so concentrated with brewing the coffee that his eyebrows were brought together.

When he was done with brewing the coffee, he poured it in two white porcelain cups with floral designs then placed them on a platter.

"Here Elfan." Rafael handed me the platter with a smile. let's go.

Holding the platter with the cups of coffee on top. I tried to walk without falling the coffees off. And thank God, I made it to the living room without the coffees kissing the floor.

I reached the living and knocked on the door.
"Come in." I heard a faint response and I was sure that it belonged to Mrs Black.

I opened the door cautiously and went to the coffee table and placed the platter on it. Then I gave Mrs Black and Sarah the cups.

"Thank you." Sarah said while taking the cup. God! Don't let her be furious!

I smiled at her and said.
"Excuse me Ma'am." Then I took the platter and left the room leaving both Sarah and Mrs Black have their talk.

I closed the door slowly without causing any noise and proceed to my cabin.
I wonder why Sarah is here though? I know Mrs Black and her had a great friendship along with my Mother but....

Urghh Eliz, if you continue to think about that, your head will freaking explode!

Shaking my head, I went to my cabin to only find Mr Zavier at my door with his hand up to knock.
"Hi, Mr Zavier!" I waved at him.

"Oh there you are!" He smiled at me then came to my direction.

"I need your favour, Elfan." Mr Zavier looked desperate.

"What is it, Mr Zavier?" I asked worriedly.

"I need you to run to the grocery store now. I would have done it myself but I am stuck with cleaning Mr Black's car. I am sorry Elfan that you have to do this now." Mr Zavier gave me a appologetic look.

"It is okay Mr Zavier. Leave it to me." I said flashing my bright smile.

"Here is the list." He gave me the list which was full of grocery names.

"Got it, Mr Zavier. I'll be right back then." I folded the list and put it in my pocket.

With that I left to the grocery store which was not too far away.

Chapter 4 UPDATED!
Hiii everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know, I know you must be wondering 'where the hell is Sebastian?!' Don't worry he will here! Actually I was thinking of doing Sebastian's POV.
So the next chapter could be Sebastian's POV.
Wait for it!😉

Anyway, leave your thoughts on this chapter and hit that star! Love ya! Bye.❤

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