Why her?

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This chapter contains two POVs! Enjoy!😋

Elizabeth's POV.

J informed us that we would not do training that day as he had a soccer tournament. So, I just needed to stay at home and the Pig had to come to his place as a Butler. Luckily he wore my disguise guy clothes. I thought I would gave at least a little peace but who knew that things would change so drastically...

"Bring me coffee." The Pig ordered while sitting with his all mighty on his chair in his room- His actual room.

I glared at him wishing my eyes were like Scott in The X-Men so that they could just fry him like potato fries.

"Oh no no girl. Think twice before you glare at me else I'll not be coming to work here..." He pointed on the floor.

When I thought again then I knew why he was strangely obedient when I told him to work in my stead. That freaking Pig knew what he was doing. He agreed on working and then he was now freaking ordering me to do every damn thing I used to do in his room. By that of course I mean- cleaning, bringing him food, do his homework. Basically I do everything except satisfying his sexual needs of course. I am so grateful we are in different bodies otherwise he could have lured me in losing me V-card.

All in all, behind his room's door I am still his butler and outside I am not.

I sighed then it hit me.
He did not lose my V-card...did he?

"Sebastian, you did not get into any sexual intercourse, did you?" I asked starring at him.

"What?" He made an awfully irritated face.

"Didn't you hear what I've just said?" I closed my eyes to calm my rage.

"Why would you think of something like that?" The Pig cocked one of his eyebrows.

Can't he just say no like a normal person?!

I said nothing and made my way to the door.
"Where are you going?" The Pig asked.

"You just asked me to bring coffee. What? Have you already forgotten? Or are you just getting old?" I smirked at him.

"You mean this brain?" He tapped his temple with his index.
This guy!

I glared at him and proceeded my way to make a black coffee without sugar. Damn! I still wonder how that Pig drinks black coffee without sugar...

Sebastian's POV.
That girl just glared at me and went away.

I did not know what has gotten into me. Whenever I was with her, it seemed that I want to tease her, to annoy the hell out of her. I did not know why...why her? Out of all the people out there?

I have been with many types of girl in my life but this one, had peaked my interest. Little did I knew that the Butler who used to work at my place, for me, in my room was a freaking girl!

To say when that girl confessed about it, I was shocked. I mean I failed in figuring out that a girl was working for me.

But I let it pass. I thought of something...something that would enjoy me or even entertain me. To make the girl work for me whenever I was in the room.

I could be cruel but I somehow I did not know, I....could be myself with her. I felt comfortable around her which I have never felt before.

I have always locked myself in my room whenever I was at home. Or just hang out with Joshua but even though, I was not able to bring my true self out. Despite the fact that I owned the title 'Prince of Riverside College' I am still someone. This Prince thing was just a mask...

A mask I have been wearing since I have felt the meaning of coldness. I have been yearning for warmth. The warmth which only my Queen could give me. Until this girl showed up and stir every single thing in my life.

I admit she was a good girl...but whenever I saw her face, I could not stop myself from annoying her for trival things.

She has been the only girl who has taken advantage of me for my wealth and handsome face. Every girl I have been with has only been with me for either status or sex which I don't complain. I mean I am man and I have needs too.

But this girl, she was not even fascinated my either my wealth or my face. Instead, she spoke what's in her mind, whether it's good or bad. And that what made me want to annoy her even more.

There was definitely something about her though. When we exchanged mobiles, when I went through her contacts, I only saw her parents', J's and Sarah's number. There were no other people's number. She only had J as a friend and no one.

Maybe that's why she was always grumpy and no fun at all. 

Elizabeth...when I heard that her name was Elizabeth I finally thought that I had finally found my Queen. But it seemed that she was an another person.

Maybe the reason why I was comfortable with her was simply because her name is similar to my Queen's.

My Queen...I wonder how is she like...

Hey there my Loves!! I know I have not updated since a while. But there is a good news! My exams are finally OVER. Ahh finally!! I get to build Sebastian and Elizabeth's relationship without any fear of not revising! So stay tuned for more cause there will be a lot coming in this story!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this one!Leave your thoughts and hit that star before you go! Love ya! Bye!❤

Hey hey! I've published one chapter!

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