Chapter 53

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Stacy'sS POV

I don't really feel so good as of the moment, I don't have anything especial like Yunnie and Raylie but I can tell that something will happen.

I'm wondering if it's Queenie or........Yunnie. What should I do if they both do it at the same time? Ha! I'm worrying too much, I should stop now and continue killing these pests.

"Aww!" Damn it! I almost fell because someone hit my leg. Who the hell?!

"Is it you?" I calmly asked this guy holding a..... Bitch, what's with that skinny branch he's holding? That won't even pierce my skin and bleed to death. " Are you seriously planning to kill me with that branch as skinny as you?" He flinched big time but he still readied his mighty branch.

Wow, is he a moron? I can't believe he's really going to use that with the thought of killing me.

I raised my feet and launched a kick for someone behind me. Tsk, attacking while I'm still talking with this one. Is that their strategy?

"I'll let you hit me but you will let me hit you too." I kicked the steel bar near my feet up and caught it while falling. I swung it in the air twice that made a sharp sound, I'm sure that they heard it because it was like hitting a bone cracking to pieces.

"You in?" I flashed my smile and they started to tremble though, they stood firm and looked directly in my eyes. Ohh, so fierce! I like that!

"So that's your answer. Okay." The two attacked me at the same time with their pathetic branches, they should have chosen a thick one.

I swung my steel bar but the in front of me dodged it, I crouched down when the one behind me swung his branch aiming for my neck. I stretched my foot and slide it to their foot. I stood up quickly and jumped onto them. I stabbed their stomachs then to their face.

Sigh! Finally a peace of mind.

I looked around to find Mae because the last time I checked on them, she's not with Raylie and only Ryle who's protecting our sweet marshmallow. I wonder what she's doing right now?

She..... Did not forces herself to find that woman, right? She did not...... Or she did? Ha! She's doing suicide again. Let's just find her and drag her back here.

I walked around to start searching for her but when I look carefully near the sea, I can see two figures of woman one is standing and one is .........being dragged by the hair? Wow, why do I keep seeing women getting dragged by their hair?

Sigh, Mae is really stubborn. Her obsession with victory hasn't change a bit, she's willing to put her life on the line just to be the victor. Look at her walking while limping. Any moment now her legs will surely give in.

I walked faster to help her dragged the woman but I know she will not let go of that hair. "Let me help you." She looked at me with a smile on her face.... What? Why is she being creepy again?

"Then, would you please pee in her mouth?" ..............what? I blinked five times. I'm still confuse. Wait..what does she want me to do again?

"Come again?" I think I heard it wrong. Yeah, definitely wrong.

"Pee in her mouth." Ew, that's gross! What's with her? Isn't that more cruel than killing her already? Why is she being nasty now? That's the only thing she won't ever do.

"P-pee? Me? In her..... Mouth?" She nodded tree times with still a smile on her face. Ew. "A-are you serious?" I can't do that!

"Why not? I was often bullied by her when I was still living with her filthy family. She would always bring her friends home to make fun of me." But why are you smiling like that? "One time, she told her friends to pee in my mouth. It was disgusting, I beg and beg not to do it but they still....." You look so much in pain.

A family, huh? Even though, you call it filthy you're still hurting inside. "Why not just kill her already?"

"She must suffer, too the way I suffered." Well, I guess her anger is much more greater than her pain for her family right now.

"I can kill her for you." She looked at with a serious glow in her eyes. Her smile vanished and she's clenching her jaw. "I'm just kidding." There, she finally calmed down. Jeez, why are you getting mad at me? I'm just suggesting, okay?

"Just watch me kill her, then." She purposely let go of the woman's hair. Not even touching the ground, she kicked her head and her body rolled on the sand. I heard her groaned, wow, I didn't thought that she would still be conscious while being dragged.

She's one hell of a girl. Well, it maybe runs in their blood.

Mae walked toward her and stepped on her face while pinning her down. She's conscious but I think she doesn't have any strength now to lift her arms and stop Mae's foot.

Mae lifted her feet and stepped at her face again. She moved her other feet and used her heel to stepped on that woman's chest. At this moment she might die from suffocation. Her heart will stop beating, Mae is skinny but her weight is not a joke. She's heavier than Yunnie and me.

I saw how her hands stopped moving though it isn't a big movement at least it was one way to say that she's still alive and breathing.

"Dead." I know. Mae stepped down on the sand and checked her pulse, when she looked at me and showed a sincere smile I know that she's feeling relieve but hurt. After all she's still her twin sister and even of I don't know how it feels I can still say that it's painful enough for her that she shed a tear in front of her dead sister.

"It's okay to cry, she's still your sister, twin sister." Her one tear became a fall. But one thing is certain, she's not guilty for what she did nor she's feeling a regret.

"Let's go to Raylie." She nodded before wiping her tears with her dirty shirt.

While walking, I can see Ryle hugging Raylie like he's protecting him though, there's no enemy around them.

"AHHHH!!....AHH, AH! ARGHHH!!!" Fuck! What's happening to Raylie?!

He's suddenly shouting like he's in agony and in pain. His tone is like.....shit, you gotta be kidding me. This is like Yunnie's first trigger but there's a difference.

Grabbing his hair while Ryle is still hugging him to calm him down but he kept on panicking, I think.

An electrifying feeling crawled inside me up to my head. A chills that I have never felt before. This was different from the others. I feel... A fucking fear.

Raylie....... It's my first time to see him got ......... Out of control. Shit! Yunnie.

"Ha, ha.. haa... Ahh." Shit! What's going on?! Why did he..... Fuck! Where's Yunnie?!

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