The Bridge

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The Bridge

Red. Red liquid was splashed across the bridge, little rivers of the warm liquid running down off the sides. Bodies of the people once standing by my side were now laying on the ground in front of me. Screams emitted into the air as they soon follow their companions in death. Enforcers shooting down everyone that got in the way. Hearing footsteps behind me I run ahead from where I once stood and crouched down behind fallen debris.
" Mom!" A boy about my age yells running out from smoke and flames, his head barely bleeding and tears running down his pink cheeks. An Enforcer had heard him yelling and stalked towards the boy. The boy backed up in fright till his back hit the piller of the bridge. His tears increased as he slid to the floor.
" Please, please, no," He cried as the Enforcer raised his gun to the boy. One shot, One shot was all it took to silence the boy. His head had been reduced to mush as his body fell limp. As the Enforcer walked away I slowly creeped out from behind the debris. Looking at the body that once helped life, I felt numb. More screams broke me from my trance. Turning I ran forward. I have to find Mom and Dad. Vi said this was really dangerous. I know she told me to stay home and wait for them to come back, But it's been too long. It's time for them to come home now. I had failed to notice a fallen stone in front of me, causing me to fall and hit the burning ground under me. Sending out a yell as the flames licked my skin causing it to turn red and blister. Trying to get back up I'm knocked back down again by a forgien force. Falling to my back I see an enforcer standing above me with a baton in his hand. Trying to run once more the man stepped on my arm pinning it to the flaming debri, I screamed out as I felt the flames biting at my flesh.
" Shut it." I heard the man above me say. I raised his batton and struck me with it. My vision, I feel a relief from my arm as he removes his foot and squats down towards me.
" Such a pretty thing," I barely heard him mumble as my ears began to ring.
I slowly feel the fabric of my shirt bigen to pull up and my stomach becomes barren. I start squirming as I move to get away as he swings his batton once more hitting my temple.
" Now be good and sit still." He spat as tears well in my eyes
" Oi ya prick." I hear a familiar voice yell as I see the enforcer being thrown off me. Looking up I see the familiar face of Benzo holding a weapon of his own. Bending down he picks me up off the ground.
" Now let's get you to Vandor little miss." He says rubbing my back as we begin to walk.
" W-what about mommy? And where's daddy" I muttered. I feel Benzo's arms tighten around me.
" I'm So sorry." Was all he said. Letting my tears flow, I cried into Benzo's shoulder.

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