Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved

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Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved

We all were in the arcade today, Vi at the boxing machine, mylo and Powder over at the shooting game and me and Clagger sitting on the side having a conversation.
" Remind me why we bother with this dump again?" Came Mylos voice interrupting me and Claggers conversation
" Vandor said to lay low, Enforcers never come down here so this is as good a place as any." Vi replied
" You're just worried Powder is gonna beat your ass again." Clagger laughed
" If she didn't keep fixing shit I wouldn't keep losing." Snapped Mylo, Then Powder pops up from behind the counter connecting two tubes, causing Mylo to flinch back. Shooting Mylo missed everyone.
" You guys know that I wouldn't take you guys on a job you couldn't handle right?" Vi speaks to us leaving us all to look at her.
" We know you wouldn't Vi, we trust you," I said,
" Are you kidding? That was the best mission we ever went on!!" Mylo expressed , " Maybe next time just don't bring Powder." He added, Powder gave him a side glance before picking up the toy gun and shooting at the targets, hitting everyone. When she finished she dropped the gun on the counter and sent Mylo a dirty look before going to the next arcade game.
" Hahaha, she whooped your ass." I said doubling over laughing holding Claggers shoulder for support.
" Oh shut it Honey." Mylo grumbled as I continued to laugh.
" Hey guys, you're gonna want to take a look at this," Powder's voice pipes up, catching our attention. I start to walk over when a man is thrown through the stained glass window, Glass shards fly through cutting my skin. Looking at the other side of the Window we see Enforcers on the other side, Four of them.
" Search them," the lead Enforcer commands
" Go ahead I ain't got shit on me," Mylo says receiving a look from me that made him shut up. I look to see Powder look over at Vi. She has something on her. Vi looks over at me and I nod. Turning around fast I pull the lever switching the lights of the arcade. We all scatter around running through to get out the back of the arcade. Running out to the alley behind we are stopped to see two more Enforcers in front of us.
" Shit," I cursed under my breath, clenching my hands into fists. Will I have to fight again? I look to my side to see Vi staring at my fists with wide eyes.
" Guys!" We hear a voice above us yell, looking up we see Ekko pushing down a ladder. We all climb up as the lead Enforcer pulls out a gun to shoot, I push the ladder off and it falls knocking down all the Enforcers. Turning we all headed down a dark tunnel.
" We need to hide those crystals," Vi said
" Yea no shit." Was Powder's reponse. Everyone turns to go to the pub.
" Hey i got something to pick up, you guys go ahead." I speak stepping back from the group.
" What? This place is crawling with Enforcers,''came Calgger's response.
" Don't worry, I'll be quick." I say turning and walking away, I'm almost out of the alleyway when a hand pulls me back.
" Can' it wait, You can't go there alone," Vi said once she pulled me back a bit.
" No it can't, we don't have what I need at The Last Drop." I say
" What do you need, I'll get it." Vi says, I grab her hand and put it to my stomach. W]she pulls her hand away to see blood.
" w-who happened." SHe stuttered, worrying, hazing over her eyes.
" I didn't want to worry anyone, They glass just cut me a little to deep, Its fine just a couple stitches ok?" I say trying to calm her nerves.
" I'm going with you," Vi says stubbornly
" No, you're going back to Powder, and I'll be back in an hour tops. Promise." I say she didn't answer for a moment but finally agrees.
" An hour tops, Then i'm coming to get you." She says
" I know," I laugh, turning to go but am pulled back once more.
" What-" I'm cut off with a kiss.
" Now you can go," Vi said with her forehead resting on mine, I feel my face heat up. I turn and walk away Pulling my hood over my head as i'm walking through the streets, Making a left turn i come across a side alley with a lighten up sign that reads " We'll heal you but if you die your organs get sold" walking in i see Orc at the desk.
" What do you want?" His gruff voice came out.
" Help asshole," I say lifting up my shirt to he could see the damage
" Lay down there, Maria will be in," I listened to him and layed down. Maria came in and got right to work.
" God damn, there's still glass in here." She muttered to herself as she opened my wond and started ripping out glass.
" Oh fuck!" I yelled " Could you numb it" I asked aloud
" You wanna pay double?" She snapped pulling another piece out causing me to groan. She finally got the glass out and started stitching together my wound.
" God damn kids and their weird ass kinks," I heard her mutter
" What-" I got to speak but am cut off
" Ya know instead of using glass use knife during sex like normal people!" She snapped at me,
" What the fuck?" I muttered to myself as she spoke once more
" There you are all stitched up now get tf out i have more important shit to do." She says getting up and leaving. I gathered my things and made my way back to the pub. When I get back I notice that Half of the Lanes are inside the Last Drop. It was normally packed but never like this. I made my way through the people and finally got downstairs.
" What the fuck is going on up there?" I asked to step into the room. As soon as I entered, Powder ran up to me and gave me a hug around my waist. I tried not to flinch but it didn't work out in my favor.
" What's wrong?" Mylo asked, seeing how I flinched, catching the attention of Clagger and Powder. Vi is already staring at me.'
" What do you mean nothing wrong?" I responded by making my way to Vi on the couch.
" You flinched." Mylo said
" Sore from earlier." When I replied, I was starting to get irritated. Why wouldn't he drop it?
" What happened, running doesn't make you sore." Mylo pushed
" Drop it Mylo." I growled out, he went to speak again but soon sighed in defeat. Soon the monkey started up. We all knew what that meant. Hide. Blowing out the candles, and helping Ekko up on top of the pipe we all hide. Minutes passed and a large looking Enforcer walked into the room, looking everywhere but up. I looked at Powder who was closest to me. She was slipping, I saw her legs shake and arms about to slide off the ole she was holding onto. I readied myself to catch the younger girl. She fell, I grabbed onto her and pulled her up with all force i had, My foot ended up hitting the pipe making a soft sound. Holding Powder tighter I felt tears swell in the corner of my eyes as Powder's entire body weight rests on my wound. Soon the Enforcer left the room and I was able to adjust Powder better in my grip, relieving some of my pain. The next person through that door was Vandor.
" Is everyone alright?" He said as we all dropped to the ground. When I hit I was barely able to keep my balance. I sit down as Powder turns on the lamp
" No, we're not! Powder would have been seen if it wasn't for Honey and she's already injured!" She snapped at Vandor slamming her fist into the wall.
" Vi!" I yelled out after she spoke out.
" If you won't Fight we will!" She spoke glaringly at Vandor.
" I've heard this type of talk before." He sighed then motoning for Vi to follow him. Minutes passed and we figured Vandor and Vi would be taking a while. It was silent for a while, Even Mylo was speaking for a majority of the time. But soon I found his eye burning a whole in my head.
" Go on ask." i said not to look away from the journal.
" How did you get hurt, Honey?" Mylo's voice was soft when he asked, I looked over at him and I could see in his eyes that he was genuinely worried for me.
" The glass from the arcade cut me a little deep, needed to have it removed and stitched up, No biggy." I said looking at him
" You went to Orcs, didn't you?" spoke Mylo
" Yea," I said turning back to my journal
" But why Honey? You know they don't numb unless you pay gold." This time it was Clagger to speak up.
" It was done with no pay and quickly. Thats why," I responded, we didn't speak much after that but Powder did come to sit with me. Soone after Vi walked back in and sat down next to me and powder, She didn't say anything but handed Powder her old toy and got back up.
" I'll be back later ok," Was all she said before stepping out of the room.
Somethings not right.

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