The Glue Unsticks

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The Glue Unsticks

The next morning we all prepared ourselves for going under firelight. None of us knew exactly what to expect, the only one who has ever been below was Ekko and he said he has only been as far as the roots go. Nothing further. We wanted to be sure about everything, so Ekko and Jinx worked out the map and how far we had to be heading while Vi and Caitlyn collected weapons. We didn't know how much of anything we needed. All I knew was that if we were able to pinpoint Vandor so was Singed. He'd be coming for him as well and it's very likely we will run into him and his men. I didn't feel like dealing with the stiched twins for fucking rat either. Especially not that fucking gas. I don't know what it was but it was stronger than anything seen. And that burnt ass motherfucker had the god to be amazed by it, like the fuck put a hazard sign on that shit.
" You ok Hon," Vi walks up leaning on the table beside me.
" Yea just thinking about Singed," I muttered biting my nails slightly.
" The guy who guesses you and Po-Jinx<" Vi corrected herself. I was hesitant to answer. Was it really him who gassed us? It's all relatively stil blurry but something doesn't add up.
" yea," I answered her after a moment realizing that I have probably been over-thinking all of this.
" Ok guys get ready, Jinx and Ekko figured out where we need to go," Caitlyn called from the threshold, throwing the sniper over her shoulder. Nodding, I turned and strapped my daggers to my thigh and grabbed the two hand guns to put them to my waist. Vi grabbed her gauntlets. Ekko grabbed a sword that had been strapped to the bottom of his board.
" Is that from the old clock tower," I questioned getting a better look at the tool.
" That doesn't matter too much," He said, getting nervous. Chuckling, I look over at jinx's to see her grabbing her two original guns and then her big rocket launcher.
" Is that necessary Jinx," I asked worried as to why she had it strapped to her back.
" Stitched twins," was all she said to make me nod in understanding.
" You have a name for it yet," I asked. She looked at me curiously.
" A name," Came her question.
" yea every good gun has a name," I chuckled
" Don't know yet, but it will come to me," She said, giving me a salute.
" Alright let's head out," Vi spoke from behind me. Nodding, we all followed Ekko down below Fairlight.
Walking moss covered the walls and roots weaved in and out of the walls. Bugs illuminated the tunnels as we walked down the steady pipes.
" It's beautiful down here," Caitlyn spoke up. I hummed in agreement. I would have never guessed that the Lanes could ever actually hold life like this in its poisoned soil. But here we stood, it was really a miracle.
" It is, I originally came down here to find what was feeding the tree to make it so healthy. I never got that far but I was able to find the root so I know the tree is healthy," Ekko explained.
" Where are the roots," JInx asked, turning around looking for a place they might be as Ekko turned us down a corner.
" Right here," Ekko said with a proud smile that quickly turned to one of shock. Turning to see what he was looking at I saw the roots, Thorough many had long gashed in them. Gashes that looked to be caused by the Hound. Though that wasn't the shocker. What was shocking was the tree bleeding shimmer, Not the substance of purple we saw on the streets. But the green that played within Singer's lab. What was this? Getting closer I walked up to the tree and brushed my hands across the sickly looking gashes accidentally stepping in some of the green shimmer. Ekko went to talk once more, anger clearly written across his features but was soon interrupted by another voice.
" Ah I see you have come as well, troublesome," Singed spoke from behind us causing a shiver to run down my spine as I saw the two beasts from the other day.
" Well I have a dog to find, Kill them," Singed back away into the tunnel leading further down as his two beasts charged forwards. Jinx was the first to act guns blazing at the stitched beast called Evelyn. Vi runs forwards using her gauntlets to send Twitch flying into the nearest wall. Caitlyn used her sniper to hit Evelyn between the eyes. What we thought would kill it caused it to split into two separate beings. Separating into two it charged at us. Ducking, I was able to dodge the punch whatever that thing was sent my way. I felt my back hit something looking over my shoulder. I see Vi.
" Singed went after Vandor," I said quickly, looking back at the creature in front of me trying to see what move it would make next.
" When I say duck you duck and go after Vandor so you understand," She yells to me. Yelling back an ok in return.
" Duck," She yelled and I followed suit, she grabbed Twitch throwing it over her shoulder into the half of Evelyn.
" Go," She yelled to me as she faced. Getting up I bolted to the tunnel and started following Singed. When i reach him he has a serench almost as big as him and is about to stab Vandor with it. Running up I grabbed the man from behind and pulled him to the ground with me. Successfully making him drop the serendge and getting Vandors attention as well.
" You fucking brat," Singed yelled grabbing one of my daggers and slashing me across the face. I yelped and crawled away in surprise at the man's action. Singed is about to strike me again when a roar is heard from Vandor. Running up he threw Singed into the wall. Pausing for a moment I see Singed isn't getting up and a trickle of blood comes from his mouth. Getting up slowly, Vandor looks at me toppling over my figure.
" Vandor it's me Honey," I said softly. Hearing my name I saw his ears twitch as though the wheels in his head were turning.
" Honey," He grasped.
" Yeah and Vi and everyone, we are all waiting for you to come home," I said, looking me in the eye. I felt at peace for a moment but he startled me by stepping forwards, I slipped my foot back in response. It was slicker than normal. Looking down I saw the green shimmer smeared across the floor. Looking back up I see that Vendor's eyes are also focused on the green substance. After a moment his blue eyes turned into a feral black.
" Shimmer," He yelled, thrusting his claws forwards. It was only a second, it was only a pich. But looking down I see Vendor's claws piercing my chest lifting me in the air. Blood slowly made its way up my throat and dripped from my mouth as I looked back to see Vendor's eyes fading into his fatherly blue once more. Tears streamed from my eyes as the pain finally started to register. Slowly tears of his own came down his furry cheeks.
" I a-am sore-ry," Warwick's broken voice flowed to my ears.
" I don't blame you," I choked out trying to muster one more painful smile as the world darkened around me.
" Honey!" I heard Vi's voice before falling victim to my own mistake.

" In the end she was many things," Caitlyn said, putting down a rose to the freshly buried ground.
" A sister," Ekko follows
" A mother," Then Jinx
" Patient," Orc
" Teacher," The children of Firelight
" A friend," Mika
" Student," Heimendinger
" Partner," Sevika
" She was my everything," Vi sobs, falling to the ground. One by one everyone left leaving the small group to stare at the grave. Ekko had tears silently falling for his lost sister. Before turning to walk away blaming the sisters for always bringing death upon him. Jinx moths dry and feeling numb for the loss of the mother that was there for her the longest and never left her. She walked away knowing she would still protect her.
" Lets go Fishbones," She muttered to her gun walking away deep into the Lanes where she could finally let her tears fall. And Vi sobbing at her stone for she lost her true love, The one she tried to push away but always came back, The one she could always read and that would always read her, The one that was always reckless and worried about others rather than herself. The one who believed no one loved her through her hardest times, even though everyone did. Laying down next to the gave all she could do was cry.

The drip of water echoed throughout the dark cell that had been illuminated with a green light. Inside that cell held a monster sicily and pale chained to the wall like the savage it was. The clicking of the chains grew louder and more frequent as the monster woke up. Footsteps became closer to its cell. The beast yelled out seeing the man outside the cage.
" Ah good to see you finally awake." The man sat down with an eye lever to the beast.
" Hazard,"

(Hi guys i was reading over this and say some corrections that needed to be made. I wrote this one at 2 am so theres more mistakes than normal. And i have been seeing a lot of you wanting me to continue the story in chat. So heres the thing, I'm ending this story right here, I may continue it but not for a while. Im going to focus on some of my original stories.)

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