Over The Years

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Over The Years

It's been years since talking to po-Jinx. After I had stopped the bleeding I had cleared out my stuff from the pub. I knew it wasn't safe to stay there. I grabbed the words, blue prints, journals, Vendor's money, Vi's gloves and left. Going to Orc's and getting my wound looked at. Hurt like a bitch. It was about two days later when I found the abandoned building I am nor residing in, looks a lot better than it did then I'll tell you that. I was able to clean up and secure the building, making it my new home.
For a while, I only ever went out at night to get food and watch over Jinx. I never talked to her, she's never even seen it, But i praised Vi i would always protect Powder when she wasn't here too. And Vi isn't here anymore, So i have to protect Powder, even if that Powder is Jinx. I never interfered unless I had two, even when that happened she never knew it was me. She was always distracted. Still is even now.
Two years later I was able to figure out the blue prints. It was a way to build magic and contain it in a vessel. The prints and journal called for an abject. But I wanted to create something that could go against Silco's monsters. To create someone stronger than his drug. So that's what I did, I created a way to harness the crystal's energy inside a vessel. But I knew doing this to someone would be life threatening and they likely wouldn't live. So I did it on myself. Everyone I loved was already lost, maybe then I secretly did want it to kill me. I wanted it to kill me so I didn't have to wake up every morning to execute Vi next to me, But it didn't. It worked.
The energy inside of me I found to be very unstable just like the crystal. I found walking, running and other activities I reacted fine to, But when I punched or kicked an object I emitted an energy just like the crystals causing an explosion or extreme wave of energy. In later years I found the energy was a reactant much like lightning. It was attracted to metals, or more say it held onto metals. With daggers I could bring the back to the palm of my hand in seconds. But it was always unstable. It was 50/50 who got hurt around me. But it's not like I had to really care about hurting my loved ones. They're dead already. It didn't matter i was Unstable.
I searched for ekko but it was as if he disappeared from the earth all together. I suppose looking for the younger boy caused too much noise. Silco and his goons knew of my existence and I was now at the top of their hit list. He saw me as a threat and he didn't even know who I was. It got harder to go out, I never left without my mask, and talking was a no go. Even till this day I still watch over Powder, Even though she hardly needs it I feel as though I need to.
And now I sit on top of my scraped together home drinking hard booze and staring at the stars. No matter how much i try to pull myself together, I'm always unstable, more physically so but i can't really be doing that well mentally either, i mean I don't even remember the last real conversation i had. Well that doesn't really matter, does it. The sun will rise tomorrow, and it's not like it could get any worse right?

( This is just a over view of what Honey has been doing over the years, it goes more in depth is other chapters.)

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