Act ll

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ACT ll

War. That was the state of our sister cities. With the death of Most of Piltover's Council members and the others in critical condition, Piltover was left in chaos. The death of Zaun had a similar effect on everyone in Zaun, no one realized how much Silco really kept the peace, especially with Piltover. The bridges became a no man's land, Crossing over is basically a death wish, shot down from either side nobody wants anyone to cross in case of the start of envastion. The Firelights have been trying their best to keep peace and take control of the chaotic city, but many of Silco's men came to power creating many gangs throughout the Lanes. Nobody trusted each other anymore, Everyone was at war.
Peaking around the corner I made sure no one was around,Slowly stepping out of the corner I tried to make my way across the area in front of me. The darkness provides a cloak of security for me, my steps quiet as I wish to not get caught.
" There," I hear a boy shout as lights filter through the main part of our home, Children standing on top of our makeshift homes pointing to me.
" Get her flag," He shouts as the children run and pull me to the ground, pretending to doe i fall to the ground and let them take my flag in victory. As they celebrated their victory I couldn't help but laugh as I got up and made my way to my tree hut. Sitting down I take a look at the papers I put together of our food and water stocks. It's been months and Ekko has helped me adjust to life once more. In Firelight everything was peaceful, but the outside world was tearing itself apart. The only thing we could do was protect what we had, and offer help to those who seek it. Noticing we are low on food, I walked to Ekkos room.
" Hey we are low on food, imma go on a run," I say leaning on the threshold of his door.
" Alright, do you need help," He says looking up from his board tools in hand.
" Naw I'll be alright, by Ekko,"
" Bye Bee," Jumping down, I made my way to the tunnel entrance as Heimendinger stopped me.
" Bee would you be ever so kind as to get me a battery if you are going for a run," Heimendinger asks.
" Yes of course what kind," I turned to look at the small fluffball.
" Two volts please," He laughs slightly, clearly excited about getting his battery.
" Ok you got it," I laughed walking away and making my way through the tunnels. As I near the exit I noticed claw marking dragging it's wa across the walls.
" What the fuck," I whispered to myself decide to make this trip a very quick one. Putting on my hood I make my way into the Lanes. After getting the food and medical supplies from Mike and Orc I make my way to the electronics shop. It's where Benzo was held up at one point but soon got passed to another. Picking up Heimendinger's battery I make my way back to the tunnels, but turning my gaze something stops me dead in my tracks. The Vandor's statue was completely destroyed. The statue had been reduced to rubble and his name had claw marks tearing away at this.
" Who would do this," I wasn't expecting an answer but nevertheless got one;
" They call it The Hounds Ghost," A voice said beside me, turning to see Sevika with a cigar hanging from her mouth. Over the past months Sevika has been one of the few leaders who tried keeping the peace in The Lanes. Putting us on the same side, for now.
" Why," I wondered why Vendors title has now become the name of a menace.
" People who survived the attacks say it was a greyhound like creature, only saying a few audible words, but it's first target was The Last Drop, tearing off all Silco added basically returning it to how it looked before, with a few new scratches of course," She paused taking a puff of her sugar before continuing , " People have also said the beast targets or at least attacks the shimmer, not exactly the people with the shimmer but the shimmer itself, Then the statue, demolishing the name gave the thing one," She finished as i shook my head in disbelief.
" How many people as it took out," I needed to know how big a threat this thing was, especially considering what I saw in the tunnels.
" Fifty maybe more dead, though none of them looked to be on purpose, just fits of rage," Sevika tilted her head back slightly exposing the scar I had left her those months ago.
" We already had one homicidal maniac. We don't need a mutated one too," She said, breaking me from my trance. Walking a bit closer she puts her hand on my shoulder.
" We might need the Firelights for this one Bee," Sevika said in a serious tone.
" I'll let them know," I nodded, taking my leave and making my way back home. Ekko needed to know. Hiking the bags higher to my shoulder I started to run through the tunnels. After a minute or two though, I was out of breath.
" Why didn't I bring my board again," I asked myself out of breath. A creaking sound stopped my rest, as I turned my attention to the tunnel to my right. The clanking noise continued to get closer, as I reached for my dagger a rawr echoed through the tunnel and I felt a force launch me backwards. Landing flat on my back I feel the air leave my lungs, as I try to get up I feel a weight push me down. Looking up I find a greyhound pinning me down as its sharp teeth grind inches away from my face, turning my gaze away from its teeth as I look to meet its eyes. Eyes that look human, so familiar yet so feral. The hound growled out words that shook me to my core, in a second I sent out a shock to the beast causing it to howl in pain before taking off down the tunnel. Leaving me to lay there in shock, in shock of the words it just said to me.

" Honey, Vi... Stay Together,"

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