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It has been a couple of days since Vandor has told us to stay low. Enforcers have been coming to the Lanes more and more. Some days we stay at the last drop or we go to the arcade. The boys have been growing restless, they are almost never at the pub, So is Vi, but i know she won't show it. I'm finding it difficult to stay around them all for so long now. Before I would always be able to get away and be alone but now It feels as though I'm stuck. Powder seems to be doing quite well though, focusing on her bombs. The only issues they appear are when Mylo decides to open his fat ass mouth. Which is quite often. Today The boys and Vi have gone to the Arcade Leaving me and Powder to rest some at home. It was nice.
" Hey Honey, do you think i'm a jinx?" I heard the quiet voice of Powder speak up from the bottom bunk. Closing the journal I jump down and look at Powder.
" Did Mylos say something to you again, Powder?" I asked sitting down next to the bluette.
" N-no, but maybe he's right" I girl broke down tears in her eyes
' Powder Mylo is stupid ok," I say wiping her tears with my thumb, " He talks, and talks and talks, He doesn't know what he is saying half the time and doesn't know he's hurting people." I paused pulling the girl into my lap before continuing, " You are not a jinx Powder, You are smart, brave and very strong ok, don't listen to the fool," I say, tightening my hold on her.
" B-but i'm n-ot strong, i-i don't f-fight." He spoke through her tears.
" I don't fight either now do I? Do you think I'm weak?" I asked, bruising some hair from her face.
" N-no but you u-used to fight," came her response tears starting to slow.
" I did, but I learned I didn't have to fight to be strong." I told her, she didn't respond verbally for a while and just hugged me tightly.
" What if they leave because I'm useless, my monkey bombs never work." She mumbled into my shirt.
" Hey, don't worry I'm never leaving," I say, " And Vi won't either you know that."
" Promise?" She asked looking up,
" I promise." I say smiling down at her.
" How about I read you a story huh?" I asked
" Can we read the journal from earlier?"
" You want to read that? Are you sure?" I asked surprised
" Yea it seems cool." was my response
" Ok let me get it." I detached myself from the girl and went to the journal
" Hey Honey, are you and Vi going to get married one day?" She asked. I felt the blood rush to my face from embarrassment.

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