The Monster You Created

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The Monster You Created

Sitting up in Ekkos tree room, I watched a sight I never would have thought I'd have the privilege to see. Heimendinger walked across the room working on the tea he had prepared for my health.
" Alright since most of your physical wounds have healed i'm really only concerned about your mental faring," Heimendinger spoke, but as i was in awe of my childhood idol standing in front of me, I didn't give the best response.
" You're Heimendinger," I spoke in awe not paying attention to the laughing Ekko beside me.
" Yes I am," Came his formal response.
" I have so many questions! Why gave you the idea for your project back five years on the 21? Oh and-"
" Bee, you're nerding out," Ekko enterups me.
" Like you're not dying to do the same," I shot him a playful glare.
" Please i'm more mature than that," Ekko said
" Oh please, back at Benzos all you would ever ask was ' I wonder if Heimendinger would set it up like this,' or ' I wounded if Heimendinger would like this,' and-"
" Ok, Ok, Ok we get it," Ekko cuts me off once more taking a pillow from the bed and shoving it to my face to keep me from talking further.
" In all seriousness, I feel fine now that I'm back home and with my family," I said once we calmed our laughter. Heimendinger gave a warm smile before leaving me and Ekko to ourselves.
" I thought you were dead Honey Bee," Ekko spoke in a solemn tone.
" As did I, I tried looking for you for years but was never able to find you, i assumed the worst," Looking down I felt guilty, I should have tried harder.
" It's not your fault, no one could have foreseen what you happen, and how everyone would become," I knew he was referring to Jinx, he loved Powder so it must be difficult to see her become Silco.
" It's funny really, It's like history repeating," I thought aloud.
" What do you mean," Ekko asked in confusion.
" Oh, just when we were younger, sometimes I heard Vandor talking about his brother and what happened, later finding out it was Silco. Guess that's why he built the statue of Vandor. I was just thinking of how much Vi is like Vandor and Jinx like Silco," I paused waiting for Ekko to catch on " Two siblings pitted against each other," I finished to have him not his head.
" Ekko!" We heard the voice of Caitlyn come from below us, getting up I helped Ekko with his crutch and we made our way down to the commotion. Getting down we see Caitlyn in a hektic state. Seeing us, Caitlyn rushes forward.
" Bi and I we tried to talk to the Counsel but they wouldn't listen, she told me to forget about her but I can't please you have to help me find her," Caitlyn asked both if us, Ekko looks disgusted at her, while i see the fear in her eyes, there something else.
" You love her huh," I asked, stopping her rant.
" Wha- no I mean yes but no," She answered rather confused.
" It's ok, that's Vi's effect." I smile and shake my head until something clicks.
" On the bridge, Jinx wasn't targeting the Enforcers, She was there but didn't attack till Vi left, She came till Vi came back for Caitlyn," I stopped looking over at Ekko who's eyes widened.
" No, the explosion would have killed her," He tried to reason.
" We survived, and if she did too her first target is going to be Vi," Ekko turned his head to me looking quite serious now " History repeating," I finished.
" Your not going Bee," Ekko instantly said knowing what I was about to do.
" I have to Ekko," I put my hand on his shoulder.
" If its history repeating then you know what happens to those caught in the crossfire," Ekko angrily says.
" I do, and I survived it once," I stayed calm.
" What if you don't again," His fear finally showed through. He didn't want to lose me again.
" I'm gonna come back, I promise," I grabbed his head and rested my forehead against his own. " I'm not leaving ok," I finished.
" Ok," He knew I'd come home this time. Turning to Caitlyn I spoke.
" Alright princess, let's go save. Vi's ass... again," I say to her with a slight chuckle. Getting out of the tunnels we slip hoods on and weave our way through people before taking to an empty back alley.
" Why are we stopping, we need to keep going Honey," Caitlyn spotted but it didn't stop there. She kept rumbling and I could tell she was in panic. In a quick motion I pinned Caitlyn to the wall behind her making sure her head didn't hit it. Onky inches apart feeling her breath fan my face,
" You gotta calm down princess," Lifting my gaze I meet her eyes, to find them wide with shock and another emotion I cannot place. " Now If Vi left in anger she's going to go for Silco herself, not that's going to be at The Last Drop, I have to figure a way for us to get there quietly," I continued still keeping my closeness with the piltover girl. When she nodded i backed away, giving her space now that she has calmed down.
" I think I know a way," A familiar voice broke the silence, causing us to whip our heads towards the voice to find nothing there. The next events happened so fast I couldn't comprehend what had happened. The last thing I saw was pink eyes then darkness.
Waking up to the rumbling if wheels on gravel, I found myself tied to a chair at a very nice dinner seated with Vi, Silco and Caitlyn who was wearing a gag, so was Silco but it just seemed like it suited him.
" Look who is finally awake good ol Honey, How are you doing," Jinx esclaves leaning across the table.
" A bit parched and scratchy actually," I responded
" Do you want me to loosen the ropes and get some water," Jinx asked
" Yea that would be nice actually," I smiled only to have her laugh
" Ha, you would leave if i did that silly," Jinx continued to laugh.
" And miss out on dinner, never," I sarcastically snapped back.
" Funny," She responded dryly. Turning back to Vi.
" Why don't you choose where I sit, Shoot her and we can be a family again," Jinx said placing the gun in front of Vi.
" Wh-what," Caitlyn's eyes grew big. She believes Vi is going to shoot her. I mean, I would but I'm not Vi so.
" Powder please, This isn't you, just drop this we can leave right now and build a home ok," Vi tried to reason. She can't see it.
" Where would we go," Jinx asked for a second sounding like Powder once more.
" Anywhere absolutely anywhere ok Pow-"
" Vi stop," I cut her off, causing both the sisters to look at me.
" What," Vi asked, shocked in my outburst.
" Do you really not see it, Vi? Or are you just afraid to actually look," I asked. Powder was gone, she needed to understand that.
" Huh what do you think of this," Jinx asked Silco, ripping off his gag.
" HER NAME IS JINX, and it is you who cannot accept her for who she is," Silco snapped at Vi causing me to go into awe.
" Wow, you really love her," I said aloud as he looked at me for a moment and nodded his head.
" I do, She's my daughter," Silco said.
" Some dad," Vi muttered.
" No your right for Zaun standers, He's still alive And supportive, thats a win," I spoke as Caitlyn stood up grabbing the big gun and pointing it at Jinx.
" Put your gun down,'' she demanded. Jinx did so hesitant before flying forwards at enhanced speed nocking Caitlyn to the ground and grabbing ahold of the gun.
" Powder we can just go,"
" Jinx kill them and be done with it," Silco and Vi yelled at the same time causing Jinx to lose control of her mind once more and fire her gun off randomly. In the end hitting Silco.
" No no no no no," Jinx gasped when she realized what she did, rushing forward to Silco as he told her his dying words.
" Don't cry. You're perfect," He then slipped away.
" I take back my one point from earlier," I said aloud. Jinx got up with her hand gun in hand before walking around to tap the chair marked Jinx and taking her spot in her throne.
" I thought things could be the same again you could accept me as I have changed, But you changed too," Junx said, getting up and grabbing the hex gem and walking out to the open part of the building. Bi was the first one to get out of her restraints before coming over to me and getting me out. As I stood up she grabbed my face and smashed it against hers.
" Don't fucking tell me to leave again," She said lowly, before pecking my lips one last time then backing up to pick up a half conscious Caitlyn. Pushing through the rubble we walk into the light only to find a grenade.... Hitting the Piltover Counselors Hall.

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