Faulty Plans

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Faulty Plans

Sitting on the decorate whinged contraption Jinx was calling home, I looked around to find any remnants of old life, subtle scribbles of me reading to Jinx as a child, Vi getting into fights, Mylo getting the shit beat out of him, Clagger lifting Jinx up to reach something from the high shelf's. As I continued to walk I found three dolls, One large one that was made to look like Mylo, A small rag-like doll that had Clagger's face. And finally a nice looking doll that looked rather out of place, holding the books I once gave Jinx many years ago.
" I stole it from Piltover a couple years back, I thought it would suit you more. You always looked really pretty," Jinx said from behind me. Smiling to myself I reached into my pocket and pulled out Claggers goggles, slipping them onto the doll's head.
" There, now when did we ever see that boy without his goggles," I joked in a motherly tone, causing Jinx to laugh. Turning I walked back over to the little workshop she had made for herself, collecting many things from over the years. Looking at her sketches and blueprints I couldn't help but smile.
" What are you smiling about," Jinx asked, putting her head on my shoulder to see what I saw.
" All of these, you were always extremely smart and creative, I'm very proud of how advanced you have become," Lifting her head she looked at me, Turning to see her, her eyes looked as though she was in deep thought.
" You're proud of me," She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
" Of course why wouldn't I be," I was genuinely confused by her question, intel it clicked.
" I'm a murder I do bad things, Vi isn't even proud of me," She says shaking her head backing up a bit, she was hearing their whispers again. Stepping forwards I put my hand to her cheek.
" I'm a murder as well Jinx, we all do ba things at one point in our life no one is innocent," She stopped and stared at me, " And me and Vi aren't on the best of term now either, but I know no matter what she is proud of you," I spoke.
" H-how she hates me, she hates Jinx," Her voice broke slightly.
" No she doesn't hate Jinx, she hates herself for creating Jinx, she hates that she has cause us pain she hates herself," I pulled her into a hug before continuing ," Vi has never been good at showing to much emotion she acts from anger and directs it at others, that is all she is doing right now but soon she will see that Jinx is absolutely perfect because you are Jinx," I said as she tightened her hold upon me.
" Now what will our plan be," I said as she pulled away, as if completely switching brains with another, a smile broke out on her face and she ran and slid on a chair to find some documents.
" Ok so when Silco died his team broke into separate parties as I'm sure you know, but what most people don't know is that later on Sevika and Silco's doctor had it out, he wanted more Shimmer and weapons on the street while Sevika was returning things to how they once were, after that argument though the Doc along with about five others went missing, but that's not the best part," She paused pulling out photos of five disfigured peoples bodies, " These were found three weeks later shimmer running through there system even after they dropped dead." She finished looking at me with an excited smile.
" So the Doctor was probably the one who was creating The Hound this entire time," I said as realization dawned on me.
" That's what I was thinking," She yelled from happiness.
" But if he was able to finally create The Hound we don't know how many others he has," I spoke mostly to myself but to Jinx as well.
" Yea but the beast doesn't exactly seem controlled don't ya think. Something definitely went wrong," She interjected my thoughts.
" Yea your right, But if The Hound is Vandor then it would make since his hate for Silco and Shimmer i'm sure would make it disobedient,"
" And if that's the case then Doc will be looking for him as well," Jinx said, getting rather close before jumping back spinning in the chair.
" Find the Doctor and we may be able to find a way to get Vandor back," I said and JInx giddy got up.
" I think I know just where to find him," She Smiled.
We jumped from building to building as I followed Jinx to the outside of the Lanes further away from most of the action. Though my silent doubts were put to rest when I found claw marks riddling most of the buildings leaving some even destroyed. Damn if we do get Vandor back this is gonna be some major guilt, are there therapists in Zaun? I mean i've never actually seen one, Never really looked though it's not like i need one. Do I need one? I was pulled from my thoughts when Jinx stopped infront of me pulling out a bomb from her back belt. Looking down I see Enforcers in the surrounding area. What are they doing here. I know they have done patrols in Zaun before but with the current state of things they have some balls to be here. Is that why this place is so remote? DId they do something to them? Or had they already vacated due to the Hound? Without being able to process more of the information, Jinx throws two larger bombs down there, Sheilding my face from the explosion I hear Jinx laughing. When I look back all i could see is bloodied bodies that look to be wearing blue.
" Alrighty les go," Jinx yelled in excitement hopping to the other roof. Shaking my head I followed thinking about how much Jinx really did change. Though me and her really weren't that different once Vi left. We both were broken, Both angry, Both struggled to survive, Both turned into weapons. It would appear that that's also where we differ. Seeing as she was made into a weapon and told to kill whereas I was made into a weapon and told to find peace. After a few minutes of running we stopped at an entrance that seemed to be an underground level to a building.
" Silco always talked about this place when he said the Doc was out," She slightly crouched, " I'm sure this is where he is," She jumped down, disappearing into the darkness below. Hesitating slightly I followed.
Entering the hall's purple fluorescent lights lit up the dim area. Slipping past many vacant rooms we reached an open room filled with viales of the purple liquid and what seemed to be green as well. In the back was held a wet specimen of a creature I had never seen before. And in the center of this room stood a man holding a small vial of the green liquid, he seemed to have burns across the upper half of his face, the lower being covered with cloth.
" Jinx lovely to see you again who's your friend," His voice somewhat reminded me of Silcos but lighter.
" The Hound what do you know about it," I spoke
" Ahh you mean Warwick, yes he has quit the menace," The man sat down at a table filled with little green viles.
" Look Doc-"
" Singed," He cut me off.
" Ok Singed, is this Warwick," I hesitated
" Vandor, he was," Singed finished for me.
" How do we get him back," Jinx broke the silence.
" You cannot let his memories have dissipated and those that may still remain will soon fade, he will become farel and kill whatever gets in his way. That's why i'm going to have to get him back," Singed said
" Bullsjit there has to be a way to get him back, he remembered me," My voice raised in anger. Jinx pulled out her gun and pointed it at him.
" If you won't tell us the truth we could kill you and figure it out for ourselves," Her voice laced with venom.
" As you wish," He spoke before hitting a button that rested on the wall next to him. Two doors popped open from the other side of the room. And out walked a rat like being who's eyes twitched as it looked all over the room, Next to it came was disgusting sight of two people sewn together one side of the head looking as though its dead whilst the other sees awake and alive.
" Twitch, Evelyn's Kill those two," Singed spoke and instantly the two creatures rushed forwards to attack us, Twitch swiped his claws at me as I ducked under him bringing my frist up to land a hit in his snout. Shaking it's head with anger it launched at me, tackling me into the wall, feeling the air leave my lungs. I reached and grabbed one of the empty glass bottles smashing it against its head. Dropping me from the pain I pulled out my dagger and started swiping and stabbing at the beast dodging as many attacks as I could. As it spinned its tail took me out from the side, the hit throwing me towards the side of the room they came from, Twitch grabbed one of the green viles and went to smash it against me. Reacting out of instinct I blocked the hit with a blast of energy from my hands, expecting the glass to shatter and break, hurting the beast. But instead turned the green liquid into a gas seeping into the room. My gaze started to get blurry as the rat fell to the side unconscious, Turning my gaze I turned to see the other too fall from the gas as well.
" My gods," Singed's voice breaks through the ringing in my ears as I feel someone grab my face and make me look at them. The blurry colors of reddish pink cloud my vision as her words flow to deafened ears.
Waking up my blurry eyes slowly adjust to the dark room I'm sitting in. Noticing we are no longer at Singed's lab I find myself in a solo room. Getting up I feel for the door handle as it seems to be night and dim. Opening the door I walk out to find a small open living space.
" Vi," spoke shocked seeing her sitting in the room with her head in hands, Jolting her head up, she stood up pulling me into a tight embrace.
" God dammit you scared me Hon," She mumbled against my neck. Her hot breath sends chills up my spine.
" What happened, Where's Jinx," Vi seemingly tensed at the name but soon relaxed pulling away to answer me.
" Me and Caitlyn found you too, but by then you too had already been affected by this has started to pass out, god i was so worried," She says bringing her hand to my cheek looking over my body before shaking her head.
" I am so sorry Bee, I know i shouldn't have said all of those awful things, i was angry at myself and i took if out on you," The more she continued to rambul i felt a sly smile come to my face, she only stopped when she say my expression, " You knew all of this already didn't you," i nodded.
" I've grown up around your love, don't you think I know what makes you tick," I spoke while wrapping my arms around her neck.
" You knew telling me to forget you would make me snap out of it," I hummed in confirmation. SHe gave off a chuckle before pulling my chin up and crashing her lips to mine.
" You're a sly fox Honey," She whispered against my lips.
" yea and what are you going to do about it love," I whispered back. In a flash Vi had put my legs around her waist and carried me to the room I was in before. Throwing me on the bed she climbed on top of me, cadging me between her arms.
" I'm taking back what's mine," She speaks in a low tone before capturing my lips once more.

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